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My userscript got banned even though i explained and proved myself right.

Deleted user 388154
Publicado: 22/2/2020
Editado: 22/2/2020

My userscript got banned even though i explained and proved myself right.

I couldn't reach out to you(email link is broken) so I used this way. I have a question, why was my script deleted. I proved myself right in the rebuttal; and i added more info just 5 mins ago. It says if you improve upon the script you are allowed to repost it.

Publicado: 22/2/2020

Which script are you talking about?

Deleted user 388154
Publicado: 23/2/2020

Userscript ∞ ( You open, I Find/Display)

Publicado: 23/2/2020

The one you copied from is under the MIT license. This license allows redistributing modifications, but you must maintain the license. You did not.

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