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New version Travian Beyond?

Publicado: 28/10/2015

New version Travian Beyond?

Hi, guys

I was using the latest version of travian4 beyond (
Version:, sinds a few days ago it stopped working.
Can someone update this script? or make something lookalike?

Realy thanks for this!
This was a good script, very usefull

Publicado: 28/10/2015

It uses GM_* functions which should be allowed explicitly:

Add these lines between // @exclude *.js and // ==/UserScript==:

// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest

Publicado: 28/10/2015

Thanks! thats working, so it was a Greasemonkey update?, didnt need this code earlier

Publicado: 28/10/2015


Publicado: 1/4/2020

not working in 2020...

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