Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Opiniones de Handy Image

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 30/1/2017
Editado: 30/1/2017

add imagesouls.net

I tried to add it, but I couldn't deal with the type=submit.

Publicado: 30/1/2017
Editado: 30/1/2017

What I have found is,
If I add 'type=submit', the site redirects to pornsouls.com.

Maybe we need a replacelink function.

In conclusion,
1. visit the site.
2. click the button, the site redirects to pornsouls.com
3. New tab opens, it opens "http://imagesouls.net/img3-588d7ee1af24b.html"
4. i=q(img[src*="' + iurl + '/upload/"]);

Publicado: 31/1/2017

added, look at onclick function on the image, it's simple and manages everything

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