E-Hentai Highlighter

Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.

< Opiniones de E-Hentai Highlighter

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 4/11/2016

fix: flex css for "Popular Right Now" div

I'm using pale moon browser (originally forked from firefox).

The "Popular Right Now" div doesn't display properly. It displays in a vertical line. I fixed it by adding:
'#pp { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; }' +

below this line:
'.itg { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; }' +

etc 2Autor
Publicado: 9/11/2016

Thanks, didn't notice as I have it hidden.
Should be fixed now

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