BetterFap - Fap Gauntlet

Fap Gauntlet for BetterFap

< Opiniones de BetterFap - Fap Gauntlet

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 25/5/2017


Maybe add it to the official one?

- Tasks
- Faster
- Pause-Feature
- Pic-counter
- some more stuff

G 2Autor
Publicado: 12/8/2017

I like tasks a lot in the context of a custom tease instructor kind of thing, and I might just make a fully fledged desktop program that pulls from better fap that incorporates tasks like that.

The speed people fap it varies person to person, I actually ended up removing as fast as possible from the program and capped it at 4/per sec since that's preference personally. It's easy enough to change things as you see fit imo.

Not sure what you mean by pause-feature; If you close the dialog it will essentially pause, you just wont resume with the same instructions as when you paused.

A pic counter is easy enough, next time I update I will probably add this if I remember.

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