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PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Various search filters and user experience enhancers

< Opiniones de PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 18/8/2022

nice script, even when I use it to supplement the word filtering, which is missing in pornhub+ atm. unfortunatly the ui of your script is hidden underneath the other one though.

Publicado: 18/8/2022

what other UI?

Also, I made the pornhub premium compatibility on request with the account of said user. I personally don't have it.

Publicado: 22/8/2022

I'm using too

It's just a heads up. So I don't blame anyone for the incompatibility between both scripts.

Good to hear, that your script works with pornhub premium too. I'm not subscribed neither.

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