Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Opiniones de Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

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Publicado: 17/4/2024
Editado: 17/4/2024

I think there is a bug on the champions team composition screen, sometimes when drawing new girls, there are girls with favorite positions matching the boosted favorite positions but their power is shown in white withtout the x2 calculation.

Publicado: 19/4/2024

Looks like the bug only occurs on Romero.

Publicado: 19/4/2024

It's strange. I don't have this issue on my side.
Also, you should never see a girl in white if she has a favorite position among the favorite positions of the champion. She should be blue or green.

Publicado: 22/4/2024

Yeah that's the problem, on Romero as soon as you press the "change draft" button, the girls in blue no longer have the blue indications and the girls in green only stay green if they are on a matching position.

Publicado: 12/5/2024

I can't reproduce this problem on my side. Is there an error in the browser console?

Publicado: 16/5/2024

This bug appears for me too, and for almost all the champions.

I can't reproduce this problem on my side. Is there an error in the browser console?

And no I don't see any errors

Publicado: 17/5/2024


I have this error in the console:

HH++ OCD script error (Problem with champions module): TypeError
window.is_mobile_size is not a function

Publicado: 18/5/2024

Thanks. It helps.
I coded a fix in the last version (0.78.7). Could you tell me if it works correctly now?

Publicado: 21/5/2024

It seems to be fixed! Thank you :)

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