Chaturbate Enhancer

Mejora Chaturbate al agregar múltiples funciones nuevas.

< Opiniones de Chaturbate Enhancer

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 15/2/2023
Editado: 15/2/2023

The animated thumbnail feature doesn't work on Tor Browser 12.5.a2 with Violentmonkey 2.13.9, the thumbnail is refreshed on hovering but only shows one frame.

The feature works on "Chaturbate Animate Thumbnail & Re-Layout" by Nima Rahbar, however that script enlarges the thumbnails and on window resize it messes things up.

Perhaps you could have a look at it, see if there's a fix ?

Publicado: 1/3/2023

I have issued a fix. Please update and retest.

The animated thumbnail works flawlessly now under the mouse cursor, bless you!

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