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Sankaku Channel Access Rights

Access blocked images on Sankaku Channel (does not support thumbnails)

< Opiniones de Sankaku Channel Access Rights

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 19/2/2023
Editado: 19/2/2023

It works, somewhat. The primary issues are as follows:

It instantly consumes user bandwith because it replaces blocked images with blank ones.
(Instantly more realistically referring to maybe 2~3 images opened)

Videos don't play. Though for some this is just due to sankaku itself being busted on video hosting, for a large number of them it simply can't load.

The images, what few you can access, are usually in their sample (default) downscaled sizes. Maybe this is user-setting based, not sure.

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