Rule34 Favorites Search Gallery

Search, View, and Play Rule34 Favorites (Desktop/Android/iOS)

< Opiniones de Rule34 Favorites Search Gallery

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 23/8/2024
Editado: 23/8/2024

Tried this one out, it works perfectly despite my massive number of favorite! Would be cool if there was a way to quickly add tags to favorites, but otherwise this is definitely the best implementation of this kind of system I've ever tried.

Publicado: 24/8/2024

Thanks for the feedback :).

This sounds like an extremely useful feature, especially for condensing complex search results into one custom (or existing) tag.
It would also help with fixing incomplete "tagme" favorites (without having to actually edit tags on the site).

I'll definitely add this to the bucket list.
Right now I'm working on pagination because everything gets laggy for users with 30000+ favorites.
But I can work on this feature after that and keep you posted for more feedback.

Question: By add tags do you mean locally, or actually editing the tags of the original post?

Publicado: 6/9/2024

Works great, thanks for making this :) Been looking for something like this for a while, but they keep getting removed or just stop working, and I wonder why R34 doesnt have this function built in, but in any case this is pretty smooth except for the fact I have a lot of favs so it does get laggy but I see youre working on that already.

Some other feedback I have is being able to open the page for the pictures, it's a bit annoying that I cant just click on the name/tag or right click and open on new page, instead I have to manually open a new page and have to search up whichever tag or artist that I saw while browsing that I wanted to see more of, just some QOL that would be super nice imo.

Other than that adding minimum and maximum score counts and randomizing would be very cool as well, and I also thought about maybe being able to add to groups, like you can on sites like Danbooru and such, so its like a local tag of sorts I guess.

Thanks for the work man, hope you like the feedback

Publicado: 12/9/2024

Thanks for the feedback :).

except for the fact I have a lot of favs so it does get laggy

Have you updated to the latest version (with pagination)?
If yes, which parts are giving you the most lag?
And what number do you have set for the "favorites per page" option?

it's a bit annoying that I cant just click on the name/tag or right click and open on new page, instead I have to manually open a new page and have to search up whichever tag or artist that I saw while browsing that I wanted to see more of

If you're on Windows/Mac, you can ctrl/command + click the "Search" button and it will search all of R34 with whatever was in the search box.
Pair this with clicking on tags with the "Details" option enabled and everything should be seamless.
Here is a quick example:

If this is not what you're talking about or this does not work for you, let me know and we'll go from there.

Other than that adding minimum and maximum score counts and randomizing would be very cool as well

For randomization, have you tried the "Shuffle" button? I can work on score counts in the future, shouldn't be hard to implement.

I also thought about maybe being able to add to groups, like you can on sites like Danbooru and such, so its like a local tag of sorts I guess

Great news! I'm about to release a way to add tags (as RPGduder requested).
Custom/official tags can be added, effectively allowing for groups (have not used Danbooru so not sure how it works there).
Autocomplete for custom tags is still a WIP.

Publicado: 12/10/2024
Editado: 12/10/2024

Thanks for the feedback :)

Sorry for the late response, I couldnt log in for some reason sleazyfork just kept saying there was an error and then I forgot to report back. Thank you for the response, it was very helpful! Dont really have the issues that I had before; the lag is so much better now, its basically not even there, and im also surprised how fast the search is, I tried a different fav search and it took super long but here its seemless and fast. Only issue is sometimes I start lagging at random after having used it for a while, this happens just sometimes but its always a bit after the search is done. I dont think its the search being done that does it tho cause its a good few minutes after and its a bit random when it happens if it does, but I jumped up to 95% memory use once.

After getting used to it I dont really have UI issues anymore, still think it could look a bit more like normal R34 but thats fine, my main issue is just that I cant use the script when im just going through R34 as normal cause it keeps showing tags when I hover an image and when I click on an image it doesnt go to the page it just opens a preview of the image, I have to middleclick on my mouse to actually open the link to the image. I would much rather the script doesnt actually do anything when im not on my favorites page (except for my suggestion that I should be able to add images to groups or lists.) Maybe I did something wrong tho but thats my only gripe at this point. And ofc the groups thing might not be possible or your idea of adding custom tags as a way to group could work too but it would be nice to do so when im favoriting posts on the homepage instead of having to go to my favs and then do it, assuming I understood correctly

But just wanna say thanks a lot for this script, still dont understand why this isnt normal functionality on R34 but Ive tried a few other scripts or sites that tried to do this and they were all either bad or just stopped working so this one is the best ive tried yet (other than maybe the one by MegaMoo) so thanks a lot for the work man its appreciated

Publicado: 12/10/2024
I would much rather the script doesnt actually do anything when im not on my favorites page

Are you on the latest version (1.10)? If yes, there is a option called "Enhance Search Pages", unchecking this option should turn off the script when not on a favorites page. Let me know if this option is not working.

More Options -> Enhance Search Pages (uncheck this)

sometimes I start lagging at random after having used it for a while

but I jumped up to 95% memory use once

Good news! I am almost finished with a new update that should improve memory usage and random lag. Before it could lag without a new search because the script is constantly trying to prerender images that you might click in the background. I've changed the algorithm a bit and added parameters to minimize this. I also might just clear memory and video memory whenever the user leaves the tab. If you still have problems in the meantime, I recommend just turning off the gallery More Options -> Performance Profile -> Low (no gallery) until the new update is out.

The new update also has sorting post by score, width, height, last changed date, upload date, and id. I'm working on adding those metadata metrics to search too (just like on normal r34 like score:>100 or width:1920), but it is still a WIP.

would be nice to do so when im favoriting posts on the homepage instead of having to go to my favs and then do it

I can look into adding this feature.

thanks a lot for the work man its appreciated

Of course! :)

Publicado: 14/10/2024
Editado: 14/10/2024

Havent had a chance to check the Performance Profile yet but will do when I can, thanks! Also very helpful with the Enhance Search Pages option + super nice with sorting by score and minimum score etc. Great QOL improvement imo

I can look into adding this feature.

I thought a bit more about this and I remembered that Rule34 already kinda uses Groups (Which is basically what I meant, also mentioned it in the comment before cause other sites use them) in the form of Pools, but Pools right now are so tedious to use that I forgot they even existed. Danbooru as an example does Groups really well; basically under the favorite button there is an "Add to Group" button and then you choose a Group youve made to add it to. Would be super nice to add such a button on front page and then also being able to filter by Group in the Favorite Search Page.

I call them Groups but its probably easier and more helpful for those that already have them to just use Pools instead, so an "Add to Pool" button under the Add to Favorites button would be massive imo. I use them all the time on Danbooru and other sites for "Best Videos" or "Milfs" etc. Obviously dont feel forced to do this if it isnt possible or too much work or if you just simply dont care to, its just some feedback that would be nice but its your script at the end of the day.

Something else that would be nice is maybe having a Favorite button under the image as well, maybe the Pool button next to it? Thats also something that Danbooru does. Its pretty helpful when there are a lot of tags so you dont have to scroll every single time you wanna fav something.

Thats pretty much all functionality I could think of that would be nice additions. If Im getting really nitpicky though one tiny issue is comic strips taking up so much space when you search your favorites. I dont really know what you could even do about that though since Rule34 just makes it super tiny which isnt any better, but maybe its a possibility to add the remaining images to the white space next to the comic strips? Again not really a big issue but thought I would mention it incase you really wanted more feedback.

Thanks as always!

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