
Userscript for Motherless.com. Provide direct links for pictures and video files. Download all Images on one site with DownThemAll(firefox) or Download Master(Chrome).

< Opiniones de FapFun

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 18/4/2022

just checked out the updated script,doesnt seem to work fully on motherless. Im on a user page with HOME VIDEOS (382) IMAGES (2,370) RELATED GALLERIES (3). Clicking Image Links or Get All Images will only bring up 259 links to copy. The number of pages of the images gallery is 40. As a work around I used shift down arrow to highlight the 259 links, then continued to hold shift down arrow for about 1 min. Although only 259 links are shown highlighted, the full highlighted capture was 2367 links. I used downthemall to capture and download 2367 links successfully. I dont know what happened to the other 3 links, but that is likely something to do with the site itself.

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