Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Posted: 26.3.2018
Edited: 11.4.2018



Posted: 26.3.2018
Edited: 11.4.2018


Posted: 28.3.2018

It should be fixed for now, but it may happen again.

Posted: 28.3.2018
Edited: 11.4.2018


@JasonBarnabe 我今天仔细看了下,3.26之后更新或者上传的脚本 都是默认被不公开了,都搜不到!劳驾修复下!

我刚才测试一下 现在正常了 。特地来反馈下

Posted: 7.5.2018

@JasonBarnabe said: It should be fixed for now, but it may happen again.

I think recently the problem happen again. As after update the code of my script, it can not be found by searching in the search page, e.g., the following script

Posted: 8.5.2018

It should be fixed for now, but it may happen again.

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