All Magnet to BT

找出页面的磁力链,给出对应的种子下载地址//Find out all magnet links in current page and get their torrent download URLs. In theory, it supports many sites. you can add your favorites by //@include

Ajankohdalta 9.11.2015. Katso uusin versio.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         All Magnet to BT
// @version      0.1.3
// @description  找出页面的磁力链,给出对应的种子下载地址//Find out all magnet links in current page and get their torrent download URLs. In theory, it supports many sites. you can add your favorites by //@include 
// @author       wanghsinche @ 201509
// @include*
// @include*
// @include      http://*.jav*.*
// @include      https://*.jav*.*
// @include*
// @require
// @run-at      document-end
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function getAllMagnet(rawMagnets) {
	var magnetNum = rawMagnets.length;
	var rawString = "";
	var rex = new RegExp("\\w{40}", 'g'); //regular expression to match all 40 bit code 
	if (magnetNum !== 0) { //prase all magnet herf nodes into string
		for (var i = 0; i < magnetNum; i++) {
			rawString += rawMagnets[i].toString();
	return rawString.match(rex); //return the code list

function code2down1(str) {
	var s1, s2, btih, torrentURL;
	btih = str.toLocaleUpperCase();
	s1 = btih.substr(0, 2);
	s2 = btih.substr(str.length - 2);
	torrentURL = "" + s1 + "/" + s2 + "/" + btih + ".torrent";
	return torrentURL;

function code2down2(str) {
	var btih, torrentURL;
	btih = str.toLocaleUpperCase();
	torrentURL = "" + btih + ".torrent";
	return torrentURL;
function code2down3(str) {
	var btih, torrentURL;
	btih = str.toLocaleUpperCase();
	torrentURL = "" + btih;
	return torrentURL;

function include(Things,obj) {
	for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		if ($(Things[i]).attr('href')===$(obj).attr('href')){
			return true;

function getAllTorrentsNew() {
	var rawnodes = $('a[href^="magnet"]').get();
	var nodes = [];
	var codeList = [];
	var listLen = 0;
	var i = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i <rawnodes.length; i++) {
	codeList = getAllMagnet(nodes);
	listLen = codeList.length;
	if (listLen !== 0) { //prase all magnet herf nodes into string
		for (i = 0; i < listLen; i++) {
            $(nodes[i]).after($(nodes[i]).clone().empty().html(" <img height='16px' width='16px' src=''>").attr("target","_blank").attr("title","download torrent from torcache" ).attr("href", code2down3(codeList[i])));

function getAllTorrents() {
	var nodes = $('a[href^="magnet"]');
	var codeList = [];
	var listLen = 0;
	var i = 0;
	codeList = getAllMagnet(nodes);
	listLen = codeList.length;
	if (listLen !== 0) { //prase all magnet herf nodes into string
		for (i = 0; i < listLen; i++) {
			$(nodes[i]).after($(nodes[i]).clone().empty().html("[BT_2]").attr("target","_blank").attr("title","download torrent from torcache" ).attr("href", code2down3(codeList[i])));

window.setTimeout(function() { //wait 2 seconds to execute getAllTorrents() function
}, 2000);