Sleazy Fork is available in English.


Carga imagenes de imgur con su hash bajo el hashtag que se me cante

Ajankohdalta 8.4.2017. Katso uusin versio.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Censuringa!
// @namespace
// @version      0.4
// @description  Carga imagenes de imgur con su hash bajo el hashtag que se me cante
// @author       Nezumi
// @include      *://
// @include      *://*/mi/*
// ==/UserScript==

;(function ($, window) {
    var intervals = {};
    var removeListener = function(selector) {
    	if (intervals[selector]) {
    		intervals[selector] = null;
    var found = 'waitUntilExists.found';
    $.fn.waitUntilExists = function(handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, isChild) {
    	var selector = this.selector;
    	var $this = $(selector);
    	var $elements = $this.not(function() { return $(this).data(found); });
    	if (handler === 'remove') {
    		// Hijack and remove interval immediately if the code requests
    	} else {
    		// Run the handler on all found elements and mark as found
    		$elements.each(handler).data(found, true);
    		if (shouldRunHandlerOnce && $this.length) {
    			// Element was found, implying the handler already ran for all 
    			// matched elements
    		} else if (!isChild) {
    			// If this is a recurring search or if the target has not yet been 
    			// found, create an interval to continue searching for the target
    			intervals[selector] = window.setInterval(function () {
    				$this.waitUntilExists(handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, true);
    			}, 250);
    	return $this;
}(jQuery, window));

//Acá empieza mi código
var imgurIt = function(str){
    var $str = $(str);
        var $this = $(this);
        var parent=$this.parent();
        var name=parent.parent().prev().prev().attr("name");
        var href=parent.parent().prev().attr("href");
        var childs=parent.html().split("<br>");
        var id=childs[1];
        parent.after("<a href='"+href+"/mi/"+name+"'><img width='525' src='"+id+".jpg'></a>");
