CSS Define

*NEW* adding JavaScript for CSS here and there in the ♥Hentai Heroes game♥

< Feedback on CSS Define

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2.9.2021
Edited: 2.9.2021

Can't do the same with pure CSS?
There is a delay before loading the script!

Posted: 2.9.2021
Can't do the same with pure CSS?
There is a delay before loading the script!

yeah that's true, i know many use tampermonkey ect. so i did one for this ^^ if u know one for Css let me know, i have known "Stylish" but that wasn't safe to use ^^' so i never searched for a new one ^^'

Posted: 3.9.2021

I'm use https://github.com/openstyles/stylus.
It looks safe, so far Chrome hasn't blocked it.
I change almost every site I visit frequently with CSS.
From hiding ADs to creating a dark theme.

Posted: 3.9.2021

@Jaraya, that looks nice, here my link for Stylus

Posted: 4.9.2021

Thank you!

Posted: 5.9.2021

@Jaraya i have made one mistake ^^' the css applied to everything so i fix it :)

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