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F95zone marker

Marks F95Zone threads for future reference

Päivittäiset asennukset
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10,1 kt

A small tool that lets the browser remember and highlight which threads should be marked as important (e.g. updates of a favorite game), and which should be faded out (e.g. disliked game, “not interested”). A tooltip can be added to be shown on hover. Also, thread tags can be marked to highlight them as well.

New in v0.1.5: highlighting seen bookmarks (updated on page load of a thread OP & of user bookmarks list page).

New in v0.1.8: editing markers in the “latest updates” page + data import/export (from the dialog)

New in v0.1.9: marking/displaying “important” tags + hiding extra overlay elements in the “latest updates” page while holding down Shift key


This userscript adds an extra icon to the top right corner of OP (first post) of a thread (as well as in the user bookmarks list, and in the “latest updates” page); the icon looks like a star. It's grey for unmarked threads, and red for marked ones (regardless of the mark type). Upon clicking it, a dialog is displayed in the center of the screen: it has two checkboxes (fade and mark, for respective highlight types) as well as a multiline tooltip input. Changing values of any of these inputs is immediately reflected on the OP (but they're only applied during load in other pages). The dialog can be closed using the “OK” button; use the “Delete” button when you want to unregister the mark on this thread.

Threads highlighted with mark checkbox are shown with grey border around them; those with fade are dimmed out (this is disabled when the thread is hovered, so that reading is not obstructed – at those times the thread would be marked with black border instead). Places affected:

  • OP of the marked thread;
  • user bookmarks list (to make their management easier);
  • regular forum threads list (including “similar threads“ section at the bottom of a thread page);
  • forum search results;
  • forum tag search results;
  • “latest updates” page.

Additionally, middle click on any tag in the thread page header toggles marking it as “important”; such tags are highlighted, and displayed in the “latest updates” page on top of game tiles. Note: they will be hidden when holding down Shift key or when the tile is hovered by mouse cursor (but will be highlighted in the expanded tags list).

Note that the marks information is stored locally in the browser; to export it (and import in another browser), you'll need to use the “storage” text input in userscript settings. Alternatively, you can use "Export Data"/"Import Data" buttons in the mark edit dialog.
Warning: old data gets removed on import!