Chaturbate Enhancer

Parantaa Chaturbatea lisäämällä useita uusia ominaisuuksia.

< Feedback on Chaturbate Enhancer

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 16.10.2023

[Bug report]
I think chaturbate changed the way the roomlist work, because grid size switching no longer works for me

Android 13 - Kiwi browser v116 - Tampermonkey v4.19.0

Posted: 17.10.2023

the same for firefox (Version 118.02), Google Chrome (Version 118.0.5993.71) and Microsoft Edge (Version 118.0.2088.46) with Tampermonkey (Version 4.19.0)

Posted: 17.10.2023

Fixed in 4.0.2.

Please consider supporting Chaturbate Enhancer development - see how at

Posted: 17.10.2023

Fixed in 4.0.2.

Works great now, thanks.

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