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Discussions » Greasy Fork Feedback

New feature: rate or report scripts

Posté le: 2014-03-19
Édité le: 2014-03-19

New feature: rate or report scripts

When starting a discussion from a script's Feedback page, you can now assign a rating (Good/OK/Bad) to your discussion or use it to report the script. You can edit a discussion you already started to apply a rating.

All reported scripts will be listed here.

Posté le: 2014-03-19
Édité le: 2014-03-19
...You can edit a discussion you already started to apply a rating...

I don't see how i can add rating to my thread here.

EDIT: NM. It works now. Thank you!

EDIT again: i might be too fast but i don't see rating on the main index page or script page. The discussion shows rating already. I suspect it's the same time delay as on us.o?

Posté le: 2014-03-19

The scripts do not yet reflect the rating anywhere except on the "Feedback" page.

Posté le: 2014-03-19
Édité le: 2014-03-19

I must be missing something ...

Posté le: 2014-03-19



Posté le: 2014-03-19

Thanks, LouC, was a style of mine.

Posté le: 2014-03-20

If you prefer using the old ones


Posté le: 2014-03-20
Édité le: 2014-03-20
Posté le: 2014-03-20

Wel....and a favorite button ... hmmmm?

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