
Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.

< Commentaires sur SankakuAddon

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2020-11-22

make the + - tag search buttons support other language site,

Posté le: 2020-11-22

Oh! It's not just the + - tag search buttons that broken, all the main features are.

Luckily the fix is super easy, I already uploaded a new version, give it a try!

Posté le: 2020-11-22

it's work.thank you!

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