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E(X)Hentai Helper

Links between E-Hentai and ExHentai page, and also links user to ExHentai automatically if gallery is "removed" and adds "view later" function

< Commentaires sur E(X)Hentai Helper

Question / commentaire


it gets me to a sad panda login screen that requires a cookie code
the first time i got logged into a blank home page
the second time it just refreshes the login screen

can more detailed instructions be provide?

Posté le: 2017-02-17

>sad panda login screen
I don't remember creating that, you must be running another exhentai related script, I'm guessing.

Anyway, if you see sad panda, you need to be logged in first at
After that, you can access exhentai page, presumably after you clean your cookie cache first.

the first time I got logged into a blank home page
the second time it just refreshes the login screen

I'm not sure what you are saying here, can you give me a screenshot of some sort? That would be very useful for me.

Sorry for the late reply, I forgot to setup my notification setting for this account.

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