Chaturbate - Better Modding

Provides a better modding interface for the cam girls site of This script makes modding faster and easier. Check out the details.

< Commentaires sur Chaturbate - Better Modding

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2015-10-21

issue with the script lately

the script was working perfectly all these years, and suddenly, these last two days, after a glitch they had in chat on CB, it started messing up.. I mean the script is still working but obviously not as usual.
Now we can't see the "username has been silenced by.." or "has been kicked.." and the grey highlighted lines won't hide the text, only gifs are hidden..

anyways, thx for the great work Vlad, and hope u'll fix it ! cheers ^^

Posté le: 2015-10-22

Hello do0cky. I have fixed it (v2.7). Thanks for reporting!

Posté le: 2015-10-23

awesome ! it's working great now, you rock Vlad ! cheers ^^

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