Chaturbate - Better Modding

Provides a better modding interface for the cam girls site of This script makes modding faster and easier. Check out the details.

< Commentaires sur Chaturbate - Better Modding

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2018-10-05

Script Broken

Script stopped working the end of September 2018 and does nothing now :(

Posté le: 2018-10-07

Thank you for the report. I worked on a fix today. I will publish new version in a few days.

Posté le: 2018-10-15

Thank you, Vlad! "Better Modding" is the best.

Posté le: 2018-10-19

Hi, any progress updates? Modding the vanilla way sucks xD

Posté le: 2018-10-19

Hi, I will fix it tomorrow, on Saturday. I'm sorry that I let you wait.

Posté le: 2018-10-21
Édité le: 2018-10-21

Hello, I have released new version 2.9. It should work with the default "old player page". Please check that it really does. I am not a moderator in any room, so I could not silence anybody. It does not work with the "new Chaturbate player page (beta)". I will try to make it work with that too.

Posté le: 2018-10-24
Édité le: 2018-10-24

Double click silence seems to be the only thing working again, which is better than how it was, Im content with that.. but to help you out - I cant open silenced messages, line counter is stuck at 0 and does nothing, also spacebar to lock chat in place does nothing too.

Thanks :)

Posté le: 2018-10-24

@ryanofaus said: Double click silence seems to be the only thing working again, which is better than how it was, Im content with that.. but to help you out - I cant open silenced messages, line counter is stuck at 0 and does nothing, also spacebar to lock chat in place does nothing too.

Thanks :)

I can confirm all of the above.

Posté le: 2018-10-25

Thank you for the report. I made the mistake that I tested the script only in Firefox with Greasemonkey extension. I found out today that it did not work in Firefox with Tampermonkey and Chrome with Tampermonkey.

I have fixed it and uploaded new version 2.10.

Posté le: 2018-10-26

Working great now, thank you, Vlad.

Posté le: 2018-10-28
Édité le: 2018-10-28

YAY !!! Appears to be working GREAT again :smiley: (Firefox)

Posté le: 2019-03-08

Better Modding v 2.10, Chrome Version 72.0.3626.121 (Official Build) (64-bit), Tampermonkey Stable 4.8 and Beta 4.9.5914 (I installed the Beta to see if it would resolve the issue - no luck) -- Script was working perfectly until fairly recently. Now the spacebar does nothing and the chat does not auto-scroll in the window when Better Modding is enabled. The double-click-to-silence still works, but if I enable the script I have to manually scroll the chat so it's not worth it to enable it. The "+/-" to be able to see silenced text is sporadic, works sometimes, usually not. This is such a great program because I Mod a busy chat room, the "advertising-sex-site-bots" have gone crazy lately and the sheer number of offensive viewers needing silencing has increased dramatically. Please, help!! (Also happens in Opera. I don't use Firefox because it keeps locking up on me.)

P.S. -- It would be nice to also have a script that could automatically reject a bot if there was a way to do so. Even a 50% success rate would help a lot!

Posté le: 2019-03-10

Thank you for the report, S Draco. I think that I have fixed it. You can update the script to version 2.12 and see if it helps. Details follow.

I tested it yesterday in Chromium (version 72.0.3626.121) with Tampermonkey (4.8). And I can confirm that it sometimes did not work. When it did not work, then the button that is a counter of messages never stopped displaying "0". It could be worked around by reloading the page until it starts working. It seemed to be random whether it starts working after page load or not.

I found out that the cause of the bug was that my user script sometimes was not loaded as the first script of the page. That is caused by a bug in Chromium. I learned that Tampermonkey has a work around for it that however is not enabled by default. It is called Instant Inject Mode, by I did no try it.

My script did not work if jQuery (a library used by was loaded before my script. I solved it by making the script check if jQuery was loaded and doing a work around (using jQuery's DOMContentLoaded event handler) if it was. So, new version 2.11 of my script fixed it for me. If it did not fix it for you, then please tell me.

I made another change in version 2.11 (removing content script injection). And that change broke the script for Firefox with Greasemonkey. So I made version 2.12 that fixes the regression.

P.S. -- It's interesting info about the spamming bots. But I am currently too busy.

Posté le: 2019-03-15

Chrome Version 72.0.3626.121 on Windows 10 (not Chromium) -- Updated to V 2.12 -- Still same problem, chat does not auto-scroll, have to manually scroll the chat window. The space bar doesn't stop the chat like it is supposed to so the user can be selected and silenced. Pressing the spacebar brings the chat window back to the bottom, however. The message counter button always reads correctly, never "0". The "+" works to un-collapse or collapse silenced users. I refreshed at least a dozen times and it still never worked, so I had to go back to the standard method of having to chase them up the screen to click on the username and verifying that I want that user silenced. Tried it in Tampermonkey 4.8, Beta 4.9.5914, and even installed ViolentMonkey with same results. Same results in Opera. Still can't try it in FireFox because that browser locks up within 30 seconds of opening Chaturbate so it remains uninstalled and unusable. I understand if you are too busy to fix the problem, but damn, it is a good script when it works!!

Posté le: 2019-03-15

Of all the browsers to work with, Better Modding v 2.12 actually works perfectly in Microsoft Edge. So far.

Posté le: 2019-03-21

Out of desperation I took a spare SSD and installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 with updates and all new drivers, then installed Chrome, Tampermonkey, and Better Modding v2.12. Pretty much nothing else. Better Modding works perfectly. So something is interfering with it on my other Windows 10 installation. I'll just keep it as a double-boot system and use the new one to Mod on Chaturbate. The problems all seemed to start with either a Chrome or Windows update. Whatever. It's working!

Posté le: 2019-03-24

I tested it only on Linux (Ubuntu, Linux Mint). I'll test it next week on my brother's computer with Windows 10. I'm glad that it's now working for you.

Other user scripts that run on Chaturbate could easily interfere with my script. If you are using other user scripts, then you could try disabling them one by one. If you find out which user script or browser extension is causing it, then please let me know.

Posté le: 2019-12-04
Édité le: 2019-12-04

The "new player" page is now default, so have to switch back to Legacy page for scripts to work. "Modding" works fine, all features, on the Legacy page but they are obviously trying to force the new player page and who knows how long the Legacy page will be available. I had to turn off a couple of other scripts that are not working correctly on the Legacy page -- one is Chaturbate Clean 4.0 which causes the screen controls to disappear.

Posté le: 2020-08-09

Legacy player has now been removed, so basically all the scripts I use are non-functional. Such a downer. The Mod script, especially, was phenomenal in the very busy chat room I moderate.

Posté le: 2020-08-10

Thanks for the info. I normally don’t visit CB, but I like when my programs work. Now that it’s urgent, I’ll give it some time to understand how the new player works.

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