8muses Downloader

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< Commentaires sur 8muses Downloader

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

Posté le: 2020-05-20

no longer working

i attempted to download a bunch of stuff earlier only to find empty zip folders. also, i had to edit the script to work on the site- needed to add "comic." to the url for it to even display the download button.

Posté le: 2020-05-30

I've found the same thing. It doesn't display the button and it won't properly download the pictures. This can be fixed by:

Replacing line 8 from:

// @match        https://www.8muses.com/comics/*


// @match        https://comics.8muses.com/comics/*

Replacing line 59 from:

images[idx] = 'https://www.8muses.com' + imageSrc;


images[idx] = 'https://comics.8muses.com' + imageSrc;
Posté le: 2020-06-04

Also add this line after // ==/UserScript==

/* globals jQuery, $, JSZip, saveAs */

Posté le: 2020-07-21

Thanks. It should be fixed now.

this script doesn't work :(

Posté le: 2022-09-27

It takes quite a long time after images have been downloaded for jszip to save. It's possible this is related to https://github.com/Stuk/jszip/issues/617 and by changing

// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.2.2/jszip.min.js


// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.10.1/jszip.min.js

But this doesn't seem to have worked locally.

Posté le: 2022-09-27

From https://github.com/furyutei/twMediaDownloader/issues/87 it looks like it's best to use version 3.1.5 of JSZip

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