Empornium Deluxe Mode

Enhances the empornium.me porn torrent website

< Commentaires sur Empornium Deluxe Mode

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2023-11-11

When Using the script with its default configuration (i.e. with no Config Settings enabled), it appears to prevent the loading of the Tags in the Sidebar on individual Torrent pages. Note that "Uncaught TypeError: tag.votes is undefined" can be seen in the Console when this occurs. The cause of the issue appears to be the following overrides. If they are commented, this issue does not occur:

Feature Request:
For the "Display hover images inline" functionality, please add an option to have only the image displayed, rather than the entire hovertip. It takes up lots of space, and all of the information (except the image) can already be seen in the columns to the right.

Coding JoeAuteur
Posté le: 2023-11-13

The latest update should address these concerns. Thanks for the feedback.

Posté le: 2023-11-13

Outstanding. Thank you very much.

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