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Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Commentaires sur Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2020-12-03

Very good script
Would it be possible when clicking on the energy to redirect to the reception of the champion section, when you have finished the history chapter. But once a new chapter of the story is out come back to the story.

Posté le: 2020-12-03

Hi. Thank you.
Someone asked me the exact same thing yesterday :)
It's on my to-do list.

Posté le: 2020-12-05

That would be fantastic :)

Posté le: 2020-12-06

Thanks for the upgrade Tom

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