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Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Commentaires sur Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2021-07-08

I've recently upgraded to 0.28.6 and I've found that there might be a small bug. In the past when you hovered over the combat points, you could see the list of bosses and if they had girls on different tiers. Also it used to highlight some boss names in a different color if they had an event girl.

The highlighting for the event girls seems to be gone at this point. Could it be brought back please?

Posté le: 2021-07-09

It's not because of the script, it's because of the last game update.
But with 0.28.6, you can already see the girls on villains tiers (harem data required).
With 0.28.7, you can also see the event trolls (harem data required + widget event to consult once)

Posté le: 2021-07-11

Oh, I see. My mistake, Tom208. Thanks for the response and continued support of this script.

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