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Chaturbate Clean

removes all add's, sub-selector on the tab's, shows video if you have no access, full screen with chat

< Commentaires sur Chaturbate Clean

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Deleted user 994406
Posté le: 2022-12-08
Édité le: 2022-12-08

There has been an issue where the tab for selecting rooms based on age, region, tokens per minute, etc no longer appears.

To fix, change the lines:

if (document.getElementsByClassName('c-1 endless_page_template').length > 0){


if (document.querySelectorAll('.c-1 .endless_page_template').length > 0){

This along with Aspegic's suggestion for layout seems to keep this script working for now.

Deleted user 994406
Posté le: 2023-07-03

It looks like this line needs to be edited again. So change the line

if (document.getElementsByClassName('c-1 endless_page_template').length > 0){


 if (document.querySelectorAll('.endless_page_template').length > 0){

(basically just removed .c-1 from my previous edit.

I also edit this line:

observenode=document.getElementsByClassName('c-1 endless_page_template')[0];

similarly, to:


but I can't tell if it affects anything

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