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Chaturbate Clean

removes all add's, sub-selector on the tab's, shows video if you have no access, full screen with chat

< Commentaires sur Chaturbate Clean

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2020-05-28
Édité le: 2020-05-28

Hover-over preview broken again - works with older version

As of today and for the past few weeks, at least, it appears that the hover-over preview feature is not working in V4.4 of this script. Hovering over a thumbnail in the main cam list does not do anything. Interestingly, if you pop down the Followed list, hovering over those thumbnails DOES actually show the preview properly.

I rolled back to v3.7 of this script since I had that handy and the hover-over preview works fine (everywhere EXCEPT the Followed list).

It looks like CB have changed something at their end. Can we get the script updated so that hover-over previews work again? Again, the code from V3.6 works for this -- so it is hopefully just a matter of going back to that to get it working (with the exception of the Followed drop-down where the v4.4 preview code is needed).

Thank you!

Posté le: 2020-06-11

They are back :)

Posté le: 2020-06-22

Nice! Thanks!

Posté le: 2020-08-06

Hey @ladroop! Looks like it is broken again after another update from CB. The preview window shows the slightly larger version, but doesn't actually refresh and show the preview video.

When you have a chance to fix it again, that would be great. Thanks

Posté le: 2020-08-10

I'm sorry , i can't see any problem
everything is zooming , animating etc.
The only thing i can not test is when you have supporter status
In that case the script will zoom the images but CB makes them animate
(but then it should still work when you're not logged-in)

Posté le: 2020-08-19

Weird. For me, when you hover over a thumbnail image, it zooms in a bit and then seems to show a single frame change and then that is it. No continued feed. I'm getting this regardless of logged in or not.

I'll try to do more testing and see if it is just me. Thanks.

Posté le: 2020-08-21

CB removed their Legacy player and most scripts no longer work, including this one.

Posté le: 2020-08-25

chaturbate clean still works on all other pages (thumbnails, sub-selection, my collection, download etc.)
for the player page you should use chaturbate theatre mode clean.
so if you install them both you will have full functionality

in the future i may remove legacy play support from chaturbate clean but for now
you can still get the legacy player with some tricks ( add "?cb1=true" to the url )

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