Download E-Hentai archive as zip file
< Commentaires sur E-Hentai Downloader
Image Limits: 6598/5000
The archiver now always charges downloads in GP.
The archiver and full image downloads now both auto-convert Credits to GP using the "High" rate from the last 24 hours in the exchange if you have a Credit balance but insufficient GP. (In other words, you can still usually eke out a 1-2% better rate by converting manually, but doing so is no longer essential.)
The amount of free daily credits for visiting EH was increased.
- Using the "Download source image" function will now consume GP during peak hours. "Peak hours" for this purpose is (in UTC) weekdays between 14:00 and 20:00, and weekends between Saturday 14:00 until Sunday 20:00. This will also be used outside of peak hours if the image viewing limit is exhausted.
The GP cost is the same as what it would be for resetting the image limit, and also the same as the archiver cost for including it in an archive for a donator.
For database health reasons, this function will consume 1000 GP at a time, adding a "hidden" full image quota which is drawn from until it is exhausted.
后续会将 Estimated Limits Cost 与当前 Image Limits 匹配上,如果超出了配额,会改用 GP 消耗显示
理论上来说,在需要 GP 但不足时,会自动按照高位价格自动将 credit 转换为 GP。如果依然提示上述错误,则意味着要么 credit 也被消耗光了,要么是网站近期更新出现了 bug。如果还有 credits,试试看手动交易 GP,价格也会比自动转换便宜
> 我试过了手动交易gp,但是毫无反应,哈哈
确认是否还有足够的 credits 参与交易,以及出价是否合理且有竞争性,例如在当前价格下:
Bid (Buyers)
549 kGP @ 324 Credits
13,354 kGP @ 323 Credits
43,787 kGP @ 322 Credits
Ask (Sellers)
10 kGP @ 330 Credits
76,017 kGP @ 331 Credits
31,548 kGP @ 332 Credits
Buyer 是购买队列,Seller 是出售队列。右边是竞价单价,左边是该单价的订单数量(每份为 1000gp),按先到先得交易
如果你想不竞价直接买入,那么你可以以最低单价 330 c 直接购买最多 10k gp。但如果需要更多,则超出部分需要出价到 331c 才能买入,否则需要等待有卖家愿意降价到 330c 才能买入。
同理,如果你希望省些钱,可以出至少 325c 的单价来排在 Buyer 队列的顶部,或者按照目前的最高竞价 324c 但需要等待队列前 549 份才能轮到自己,然后期待有卖家降价至对应价位出售(或者被其他买家超过竞价)。如果你愿意等更久或者对市场价格下降很有信心,则可以继续下调竞价,等前面的订单都售出后再轮到自己
> 结果在使用脚本下载时把购买的gp全部消耗掉了。也没有下载完全
一般是你的 GP 不足,按照现在的价格计算,大概每 MB 是消耗 21GP 左右?如果当前时间段不需要 GP 且该 gallery 不需要 GP,可悬浮在 Estimated Limits Cost 上查看 GP 的预估消耗