Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

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Question / commentaire

Posté le: 25/09/2015

@Owyn, it looks like wikipedia has international translation.
And some has different site rule.

This could be handled with // @match *://*.wikipedia.org/wiki/*:*.jp*

Can we use a lot of *? Won't it make it slower?

But this (actually the most) has this rule. It looks like flickr.

Posté le: 25/09/2015
Édité le: 25/09/2015

Can we use a lot of *? Won't it make it slower?

@ubless607, Not really, at least it's not regexp. Only problem is that it might match some other pages except image pages.

Posté le: 29/09/2015

@Owyn, I will leave this to you. I don't know what to do.

Posté le: 29/09/2015
Édité le: 29/09/2015

didn't // @match *://*.wikipedia.org/wiki/*:*.jp* do the thing?

Posté le: 29/09/2015

didn't // @match *://*.wikipedia.org/wiki/*:*.jp* do the thing?

But this doesn't work if is png right?

Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png

Posté le: 29/09/2015

But this doesn't work if is png right?

right, that's why there's is a second @match for png images

Posté le: 29/09/2015

@Owyn, how about using regxp? (I am now reading a book about it... but it's a bit hard)

Posté le: 29/09/2015

But this doesn't work if is png right?

right, that's why there's is a second @match for png images

Ohh I see..

Posté le: 29/09/2015
Édité le: 30/09/2015



it's slow, and less readable

  • it won't give anything here since * do their job

edit: fixed wikipedia

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