Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
< Commentaires sur Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)
Added to pending list.
Yomanga is foolslider now, so it should be an easy add. If anyone wants to do it manually, you need to add these:
// @match *://yomanga.co/reader/read/*
--add to "// -- FOOLSLIDE NSFW START" section
--add to "name: 'foolslide', match: "^https?://(" + [" section
Thanks @ramenchef
Fooslide definitely makes it easier. Sorry @mangal0ver for leaving this one for so long.
Added in the latest version
pls add https://hentai.cafe/
sorry for the wait, added in the newest version.
Fuck you mangal0ver and fuzetsu for implementing longstrip on yomanga.co . We need the ad money to pay for the server and we allow everyone to download the chapters and I rehost them pretty quickly on bato.to which has a longstrip. If you absolutely must read on longstrip wait for the bato.to rehost.
Hey @Leguron if you really think that this userscript specifically is hurting your ad revenue I'm willing to remove it. I can't stop people from adding it manually themselves though.
Just FYI this userscript only has about 400 active users most of which most probably don't use your site, and most of which also probably use adblock anyway.
Either way, anyone (in this thread or visiting) who likes what yomanga.co is doing and and wants them to keep doing it should donate to them. http://yomanga.co/donate
hi it's me again :smiley: can you add hentaibox.net ?
@Gnauq Sorry for the delay on this one, added in v1.0.30.
ty so much
Pls add hentai-free.org. This site has a lot of transltated original manga
fuzetsu, you are more than welcome to add the following implementation if you like. In the meantime, Gnauq, you can try this out by editing the user script manually. Replace the 4th to last line of the script:
with this:
}, { name: 'hentai-free', match: "^http://hentai-free.org/(?!(?:tag|manga-doujinshi|hentai-video|hentai-wall|tags-map)/|.*\\?).+/$", img: function() { return W.pages[0]; }, next: function () { return "N/A"; }, numpages: function() { return W.pages.length; }, curpage: function() { return 1; }, wait: function() { var links = getEls('.gallery-item a, a.bwg_lightbox_0'); if (links.length > 0) { W.pages = links.map(function(el) { return el.href.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); }); return true; } return false; }, pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) { cb(W.pages[num - 1], num); } }];
Then after line 28, add this:
// @match *://*.hentai-free.org/*
Due to this being a collection of Wordpress galleries, the naming of URLs is such that you may get "Load Manga" buttons on pages that aren't actually image galleries. (I tried to exclude the main pages, but it will show up on video pages for example.)
EDIT: fixed to work with older galleries.
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