Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
< Commentaires sur Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)
as a real noob i am, after 4 hours i manage to understand how this script works and make a loader for pururin, still bad but works, anyone with more experience please refactore this code and add update the script:
name: 'pururin',
match: "^https?://pururin\\.us/read/.*/.*/.*",
img: 'img.current-image',
next: 'img.image-next',
numpages: 'select.form-control',
curpage: 'select.form-control',
pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
console.log('\n--url--\n' + url + '\n--num--\n' + num + '\n--cb--\n' + cb + '\n--ex--\n' + ex);
console.log('\n--window.location.hre--\n' + window.location.href);
var str = url;
var end = str.indexOf(".jpg", 0);
var start = str.indexOf("/", 37)+1;
var ActualPage = str.substring(start, end);
var next = +ActualPage + 1;
var nextlink = str.substring(0 , start) + next + str.substring(end);
cb(url, nextlink);
not working in pururin.us
pururin.us has change the url of view and the tag/buttons, need to change the code, i try do miself but i can't.
math is ok:"^https?://pururin\\.us/read/.*/.*/.*",
but i can't code the part to get the next page and total pages