Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
< Commentaires sur SankakuAddon
Hm... I'm really not sure how useful that would be.
The watched bars on PH are useful because video thumbnails are often generic af, so it's nice to know if you already watched it.
For images that is far less useful though, because the thumbnail is the exact same as the image itself.
So the question "Do I want to look at that?" is answered right there in the thumbnail itself.
The feature could still be useful for videos because they sometimes have black/white thumbnails, so there's no way to differentiate.
Instead of an adding another icon I'd rather change the opacity of the post, those icons are already distracting enough.
(I just experimentally added watched bars (through the inspector), they look good but I realize most 'videos' are short loops and thus a progess bar is utterly useless - and they'd of course only work for actual videos, not images and also not for flash, so that idea gets thrown out the window.)
What'd be nice to have is an actual view history, but that is something that has to be done server-side (it's possible client-side but very inefficient).
So all in all, I'd probably add a 'fade out watched posts' option when I come around to it.
(I'm currently kinda taking a break from adding new features.)
For me personally, there is sometimes a disparity between expectations and result when looking at a thumbnail, leads me to forget it's an image I previously disregarded.
Shame about animated ones, because those are the ones I forget the most.
It was just a thought anyway, thanks for the consideration.
Do what you want.
I don't quite understand your response because it sounds like I said I wouldn't implement this when I did in fact say I would - eventually at least.
Do what you want.
No, you are invited to give suggestions, maybe you think thumbnail icons work better than changing the opacity, maybe you think watched bars could still be useful, maybe 'visited posts' should have an expiry date, etc.
I don't know what's best, I was just giving my thoughts in the hope we could reach a consensus.
In the meantime I was actually trying to get this to work, I thought "can't be that hard, on post pages, add the post id to a Set
and reuse the thumbnail observer to set opacity if the id is in the set".
And that part turned out true, but I learned that the site uses ancient polyfills that break standard JS, e.g. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why Array.from(new Set([1, 2]))
returned []
(and I'm still not sure what exactly the site overwrote to make this fail). That's an easy fix, just use [...set]
Next, I found that JSON.stringify()
didn't work like it should (that's how objects are turned into strings that can be then stored).
E.g. JSON.stringify([1, 2])
returns "'[1, 2]'"
instead of just "[1, 2]"
, so the reverse operation JSON.parse()
actually turns the array into a string, so instead of a list of post ids 1, 2
I suddently got a list of characters '[', '1', ',', ' ', '2' ']'
I worked around that and now I'm seeing that opening multiple posts at once will cause a race condition because each tab tries to simultaneously write the list of visited posts.
SankakuAddon already synchronizes settings across tabs, but that is apparently not fast enough, so to make this work there needs to be a message passing system, which isn't impossible, but yeah...
And I also just remembered that Idol Complex is a thing, so that would actually need it's separate view history as well.
So yeah, still no ETA
Sorry I just read it as more of a could.. but why, than a would. Also don't I want to waste your time on a feature for 1 person, since it might not be too useful. If you need a break from adding stuff or in general, just take it. This is what I've started to think in regards to my own work.
That being said your ideas are good, I like the blur that is natively done for blacklisted tags, low opacity would probably feel similar and flow with the page. Icons do take my attention away from the thumbnails.
I'm guilty of being a tab monster, opening many posts quickly, we definitely exist.
I know nothing about code, of course I just thought it might go. "Oh yeah, every time you open a page, find the ID and put it in a local text file. Then it basically does a Ctrl+f of that file to find saved IDs
So much stuff can go wrong though. It's amazing there are so many workarounds, surely sometimes there are dead ends though.
v0.99.20 is up, which adds an experimental option to fade out thumbnails of viewed posts.
It might still miss a few posts, not yet 100% sure why.
Also, the design is not final, give it a try and tell me what you think.
Works perfectly for me. I can always tell what one has been greyed out too, I was skeptical of already dark or light pictures.
Even just this is good enough for me. You do some really good work, thanks so far.
I saw the 'clear post view history' button, does uninstalling the script wipe the history too?
I was skeptical of already dark or light pictures.
Me too, I'm still thinking of another way, but for now, if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me.
I saw the 'clear post view history' button, does uninstalling the script wipe the history too?
Actually, no, SankakuAddon saves all settings in Local Storage (which is similar to Cookies, a web storage for a specific website) and that is outside the userscript manager (Tampermonkey etc), so uninstalling the script or even the manager does nothing to the settings/history.
At least on Firefox you need to wipe your 'Cookies' to clear the Local Storage as well.
You can also view/edit the Local Storage by going on chan/, pressing shift + F9 -> Local Storage -> chan/ The entries starting with config.
are from SankakuAddon.config.view_history
and config.view_history_idol
are the ones you are looking for and you can right click to remove them.
I was working on using GM.setValue
to store settings in the userscript manager itself, but it's not easy to replace Local Storage completely.
This change will also the make all settings be shared between idol and chan (which I thought they were, but you made me realize they're not), so I'll at least need to separate the 'common tags' for the tag menu as well.
I just updated it to use GM.setValue
and the like, so the settings are now stored inside your userscript manager.
This also means the settings are shared between idol and chan - except for the common tags list and the post history.
So changing the common tags list or clearing the post history will only affect the current site.
If you want to look at the raw settings in Tampermonkey, go to installed scripts, click SankakuAddon and click on the 'Storage' tab.
You can clear everything by setting it all to {}
Nice and simple, I like it.
Do you accept Paypal tips? I wanna thank you for being so helpful.
Sure! Thank you for your patronage!
I sent you a link in your DMs.
[Suggestion] Indication that you've clicked on a post before, like an eye next to the speaker icon on posts. It's probably easier server side, but I would love it. I noticed pornhub has a [watched] bar on videos and it's so useful.