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PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Various search filters and user experience enhancers

< Commentaires sur PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 04/12/2018

Bug and suggestion

This script seems to suddenly not work. Also, I like the feature of filtering searches. I might suggest adding a view count filter. If I could figure out the coding I would edit it in myself!

Posté le: 05/12/2018
Édité le: 05/12/2018

You can try opening the options UI and click the "Apply" button to manually run it.

If it still does not run, do post back the console errors, if any.

Posté le: 05/12/2018
Édité le: 05/12/2018

I'll think about the view count filter as well. Doesn't seem too hard to implement aside from the string processing.

Posté le: 05/12/2018

Fixed the issue about not working script and also added the view count filter.

Posté le: 06/12/2018

Thanks, the UI works again now, and the improvements are nice too. I was actually interested in a MAX view count filter. Limiting results to those with low view counts helps in finding newer vids, hidden gems, etc. I flipped the > to a < in the script to make this work.

Posté le: 06/12/2018

You won't be able to find new videos on PH that way. Even if you do, they won't really be new ones.

The new ones only appear with the "Newest" filter available with anything other than plain search. "Featured Recently" rarely gets updated, haven't figured out why though.

Posté le: 25/02/2019

Great script! Can you do something similar for Xhamster ?

Posté le: 25/02/2019

Yes, I can look into it.

Posté le: 27/02/2019

Thanks ! I test.....

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