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E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags

Highlights galleries with tag flags using the color(s) of their own tag flags.

< Commentaires sur E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 02/11/2022

Today (02.oct.2022) sadpanda changed it's design, so now script is partially working, when I click front page link to script does nothing, it marks nothing, it highlights nothing, but when i choose advanced option it starts highlighing.... (link then is Then it works for some while and then, with that link it again does nothing.
Page 2 and rest is fine, just the starting page

Posté le: 02/11/2022

It's like script doesn't load on first page...

etc 2Auteur
Posté le: 03/11/2022

Can't replicate it, neither on Firefox nor Chrome (using Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey)
The only thing whose layout seems to have changed is the search form, so the highlighting should still be working as usual
I did update the script to support the new search form layout (so the the script's settings button is still injected correctly)

Make sure you don't have any active scripts doing weird shit with the page
Opening the site's "Settings" page may also help, sometimes the tags stop being inserted correctly due to some weird server-side caching (and opening the Settings page usually fixes it)

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