
E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.

< Commentaires sur EhxVisited

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 09/12/2021

Incompatible with eHunter (

The CSS rule .content { max-height: 0 } destroys the layout of an image container with classes album-scroll-view content scroll-mode that's generated by eHunter. Would be a good idea to write CSS with more specific selectors so it's more compatible with other userscripts.

Posté le: 18/12/2021

Updated the classes and CSS for the .content items, I'll eventually go through and update all the classes and CSS with less generic names so that problems like these don't crop up.

Posté le: 19/12/2021

Thanks for the update.

Posté le: 22/12/2021
Édité le: 22/12/2021

Delighted – I'm biased here, but this word makes me happy! Elated – sounds like you're on Cloud 9 and if your news can match it, we'll have no worries in thinking “good for you”! Jubilant – we can just see you doing cartwheels across the office after pressing publish! Tickled – bit cheeky.
space bar clicker
space bar clicker.

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