Hentai Heroes image viewer

Allows you to display any stage image of any harem girl, owned ones or not. Works also in event display and Places of Power. Includes zoom-in feature to display full-size girl images gallery (lightbox).

< Commentaires sur Hentai Heroes image viewer

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 23/09/2021

pActually the script doesn't in PoP and event but work in Harem, can you fix them please ?

Posté le: 29/09/2021

Works fine for me in current PoP and last event (Kinky Cumpetition), any more details would be nice. Also, try disabling other scripts and see if it helps. If so, tell me which causes the problem and I'll try to do some update.

Also, if by any chance you are referring to PoA event, it never was supposed to work there.

Posté le: 01/10/2021

I try but it also doesn't work for me (and I try on 2 browsers)

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