NHentai Improved

Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.

< Commentaires sur NHentai Improved

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 10/06/2020

HQ thumbnails no longer working for anyone else?

Stopped working ever since nhentai got updated, happened early June 2020.

Posté le: 10/06/2020

The new site update seems to have broken many things the script does. Some worse than others. I'll start fixing things asap

Posté le: 10/06/2020
Édité le: 10/06/2020

OK pretty much everything should now be working as before. Read script description for more info.

Posté le: 11/06/2020

amazing dev, thank you!

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