Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Commentaires sur Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 03/08/2022

But minor inconvinience - looks like one of recent updates - 0.45.2 or 0.45.1 broke rewards hiding in Anniversary event. Cleared cache and cookies, reinstalled script - yesterday it works - now no more.

Posté le: 03/08/2022

Rolled back to 0.45.1 - it working, so it is broken in 0.45.2

Posté le: 04/08/2022

Indeed. It's fixed now (0.45.3)

Posté le: 04/08/2022

Thank You!

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