Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Commentaires sur Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 02/12/2020

Nice Script!
Would it be possible to show (in the Gifts-Tab of the market) the missing affektion still needed for the next star-stage of a girl instead of the total affection which was already given to the girl?

Something like this maybe: "Next: 355" instead of "17.2k/17.6k"

Posté le: 02/12/2020

Good idea! I'll see what I can do.

Posté le: 02/12/2020

Awesome :D
Thank you and - wow you're fast with responding! :)

Posté le: 03/12/2020

Hi. In the latest version of the script, I added the remaining XP and affection to the next level/star of the girl in the market.

Posté le: 04/12/2020

Yeah! It's working great! Thank you so much :D

Posté le: 07/12/2020

Ups.. it's me again. I was to quick earlier. I had no girl not maxed out, so i checked only xp and that seemed to work. The shown affection is unfortunately buggy.
It started with an resonable number (altough a negativ value) but became bigger instad of smaller when I used gifts. (precisly speaking it became smaller because it was a negativ value, but the absulut value became bigger. (Next: -4360 ... Used gift -> Next: -5310) :/

Posté le: 08/12/2020

Thanks for the feedback.
In the last update, I changed the way to calculate the remaining XP and affection.
Can you tell me if you still have the same bug?
Thanks in advance.

Posté le: 08/12/2020

Sry, new account..

I have all my girls maxed again, but I should get a new one due to the event not later than tomorrow.
I'll check it as soon as possible.

For the XP it looks right again. And also nice that it shows the remaining ex until max lvl now :D

Posté le: 08/12/2020

Yes. I added the remaining XP to the max level. It was missing.
I fixed a mistake in this feature today. So, just be sure you have the last version of the script ;)

Posté le: 09/12/2020
Édité le: 09/12/2020

Version 0.15.3:

It was working for the first 2 stars.

During the 3rd one the same problem as before returned.
Negative Value and dropping after using gifts. (-6530 -> use gift with 60 aff -> -6590) :/
After that it changed again at something like 90% of the last star oO

It became a 2 digit number (15) and apparantly that was the correct missing affection divided by 100.
1513 were missing. Using gifts made this number decrease and it is rounding the value until the missing affection was below 100..

1245 missing -> Next: 12
1185 missing -> Next: 12
1145 missing -> Next: 11
185 missing -> Next: 2
125 missing -> Next: 1
65 missing -> Next: 0

:D interesting behaviour^^

Posté le: 09/12/2020

Thank you for this feedback. I will investigate what is going wrong.

Posté le: 12/12/2020

Normally, it is fixed with the new update (version 0.15.7).

Posté le: 12/12/2020

That looks very good!


I was able to test it with a rare, epic and legendary girl. Each of them from 0 to 3 stars and it was working for all of them! :)

Thank you very much and have a gread weekend!

Posté le: 18/12/2020

I test it with two fifth star girl and I have the same problem that jack posted earlier for the third star on the 4 and 5 star of the girls.

Posté le: 19/12/2020

Apparently, there was a bug when gifts were given too quickly.
I've just posted an update about that issue (0.16.2).

Posté le: 19/12/2020

Jack - The rating should be upgraded to fantastic for this. Even that small bug that I noticed giving too quick was fixed.
Thank you Tom :)

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