Literotica Downloader

Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability

< Commentaires sur Literotica Downloader

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 23/04/2024

This script is awesome, but unfortunately Literotica is "enhancing the User Experience" yet again, and consequently this script isn't fully working anymore. It works on the toplist pages and the story category pages, but not the author's submission pages. So no downloading entire series as 1 file anymore, for instance. Wish they'd stop screwing with the site.
The changes are still supposedly "in beta" but that's only applicable for desktop users, as far as I can tell. Any chance of a patch?

Posté le: 24/04/2024

I patched it.
Give me feed back on it.

Posté le: 29/04/2024
Édité le: 29/04/2024

With update 4.4, this script frickin rocks once again! Woo! Wish I could edit the original post, but I think the rating makes it clear enough, no?

Posté le: 29/04/2024

Damn. I guess the jokers at lit changed something again, because now I'm only getting the download button on category pages, like before. A couple works pages still had the DL button, but refreshing the page made it vanish. /Headdesk

Posté le: 05/05/2024

Yay, it's working again! Thank you LiteroticaMaintener!

Posté le: 17/05/2024

Working like a freaking charm! Woot!

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