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Tinder: show teasers (deblur)

Show the last people who liked you for free: this script deblurs the photos of the teasers, revealing the people who liked you. This script only allows you to see those photos: you can't directly access the profiles like you would do with a paid account.

< Commentaires sur Tinder: show teasers (deblur)

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

Posté le: 10/05/2022

Doesn't unblur, at least as of today.

Posté le: 10/05/2022
Édité le: 10/05/2022

Thank you for the review, if I'll make a new Tinder account, I will surely try to update this script (if the flaw that allows it to work hasn't been patched).

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