4chan Gallery

Adds board title, catalog, images, download, and style to the top bar.

< Commentaires sur 4chan Gallery

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 25/11/2017


Works very well with images and gifs, but not with webm (at least here).
Any way to autostart the webm with volume (then "close", before the next one)?.

Posté le: 13/03/2018

:p I haven't been visiting 4chan occasionally for a while. I also use safari which doesn't support webm's at all. I am now aware of the problem though.

Posté le: 20/04/2018
Édité le: 20/04/2018

fixed, you can enable webm audio in the built-in 4chan settings

Posté le: 24/04/2018

I still need to pause video when you exit gallery mode.

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