E-Hentai Downloader

Download E-Hentai archive as zip file

< Feedback on E-Hentai Downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 18-08-2023


Posted: 19-08-2023
Edited: 19-08-2023



  • Galleries posted more than 1 year ago now always require GP to use the "download original image" links. As before, galleries uploaded 3-12 months ago can still use this function with the image quota outside of peak hours, while galleries uploaded less than 3 months ago can do this even during peak hours.

    (This still doesn't apply to donators, whose image limits are tied to account rather than IP address and thus cannot be "refreshed" just by switching IP)


  • One of two new image servers that replace the current oldest image server is now live. (The second one will probably go live in about a month.)

  • Increased the cutoff for how old a gallery has to be before it charges GP for original file downloads during peak hours from 30 days to 90 days.


  • Using the "Download source image" function will now consume GP during peak hours. "Peak hours" for this purpose is (in UTC) weekdays between 14:00 and 20:00, and weekends between Saturday 14:00 until Sunday 20:00. This will also be used outside of peak hours if the image viewing limit is exhausted.

The GP cost is the same as what it would be for resetting the image limit, and also the same as the archiver cost for including it in an archive for a donator.

For database health reasons, this function will consume 1000 GP at a time, adding a "hidden" full image quota which is drawn from until it is exhausted.

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