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[Obsolete] xHamster Auto Old Design

Reverts to Old Xhamster Design and keeps it that way

< Feedback on [Obsolete] xHamster Auto Old Design

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 06.07.2018.
Edited: 07.07.2018.

xhamster Auto Old Design : A way to have a more quick effect ?

I wrote a simillar script:

But like your script it take a long time to return to the "Old Desgin"... Can you find an other solution based maybe on cookie ? I am not coder ;-)

Posted: 06.07.2018.

Great idea, thanks! I've changed it to use a cookie approach as per your suggestion. :)

Posted: 06.07.2018.

To clarify, with this method it's still "slow" to switch, however, xhamster shouldn't constantly switch back to the new design anymore, due to the cookie reset to expire 5 years from last visit. So if this works, it's only slow once. :)

Posted: 06.07.2018.
Edited: 06.07.2018.

Good news, And yes that's fast now! thanks.... PS: i notice your (better) script in my description

Posted: 07.07.2018.

Bad news it seems not working now....

Posted: 07.07.2018.

It's working great for me so far, haven't seen a switch since. What's not working for you?

Posted: 08.07.2018.

Re-tested and yet not working... I don't know what's wrong just notice you need adapt @include for french/etc lunguage. Not certain, but It seems your script work if i use it together with mine script. Need to wait if that's real.

I use Waterfox

Posted: 08.07.2018.

I see countries use a sub-domain. I've added support for that, let me know if this fixes it.

Posted: 09.07.2018.

After install on fresh profile your script seems work very well alone! :smile:

Posted: 09.07.2018.

Great, let me know if anything changes. :)

Posted: 09.07.2018.

Thanks for you script! I don't understand why on one of my profile i need the both scripts, but your script do the job: I never see this damn BETA design!

Ps : another request :smile: In BETA design: When i open a related video from video player page , it add "#related" at the end the video link in the address bar. I want delete this "#related" part of the link (because i keep trace of visited links and for i bookmarking ).

I try many solutions but i can't find something working or i make some "mysterious " errors. Can you write a script for that ?

Posted: 09.07.2018.

I don't use xHamster all that much, lately mostly only to show my videos and reply to messages, so i don't see much of xHamsters stuff. I don't think I've ever seen #related in the address. I also don't get it when I click on random videos, so I'm not sure what it is you want. But if you just want to delete the #related in the address you could just collect the current link, remove #related, and then go to there. Like this:

var Check = "#related"; // what you removed var currentLocation = window.location.href; // get current URL

if(currentLocation.includes(Check)){ // check if contains var URL = currentLocation.replace(Check, ""); // replace window.location = URL; // goto adjusted URL }

Posted: 10.07.2018.
Edited: 10.07.2018.

Thanks for your help!

Your solution i fine: I add: // @run-at document-start
to make the change immediately.

Posted: 10.07.2018.

Great :)

Posted: 28.11.2018.

Because since Xhamster move totally to their new design, it seems that your (and mine) script are deprecated now.... :-)

A question: The new design break too my script: Xhamster Try to Show Videos/favorites of Deleted Users It's possible to solve the problem ? In its description, i add some test links ...

Posted: 28.11.2018.
Edited: 28.11.2018.

Another request: Can you do something about their Xhamster Blogs links.

Old Blog links are like this:

Their NEW blogs links are like that now:

Can you find a way to convert the old links to the good one?

Test link (where you can find a wrong blog link):

Posted: 02.12.2018.

Yeah, they removed the old design. :(

From what I've seen the new links for favorites are just like the old design, so perhaps they just actually remove them now?

If you want to change it in the address bar it shouldn't be too hard. But I suppose you'd want the right links on the blogs themselves, that's probably doable but rewriting is more work and not something I have experience with. Perhaps this could help you get started?

Posted: 02.12.2018.

For my first resquest about Xhamster Try to Show Videos/favorites of Deleted Users: it seems adding /new-1.html don't work now....

And about rewrite wrong blog link, i need to test your example: Thanks!

Posted: 11.12.2018.

Request: Can you make a script to have always a to and bottom pagination on Xhamster pages ? By example on these pages (search pages):

Posted: 11.12.2018.

Not exactly sure what you mean, but if you want it to automagically scroll to the bottom after loading, this works:

setTimeout(function(){ window.scrollTo(0,document.body.offsetHeight); }, 1000);

Posted: 11.12.2018.

Thanks for the tips, but i want duplicate/clone the pagination container: One on the top of thumbnail and one at the bottom. So, i always show the pagination with / without scrolling.

Posted: 12.12.2018.

That would require injecting buttons in the same style on the page, which, unfortunately, isn't something I'm familiar with at this moment.

What you could do, is take theirs and have it always on the bottom of you screen, not the page. So no matter where you've scrolled it will be on the bottom of your screen. Less pretty, but this is quite easy with CSS.

This works: (Opacity is optional) { position: fixed; bottom: 20px; opacity: 0.5; }

Posted: 23.06.2019.

thanks , i use always CSS tweaks with userstyles: Maybe it should a solution for the pagination. Have you test my Userstyles for the xhamster new design ?

About: Xhamster - No related Video links (Remove their "#mlrelated" part in address bar) v.0.36 Remove "#mlrelated" part in address bar (when you open a related video from the Video page):

I see a problem with Chrome (work fine in Firefox Waterfox): Now, the script don't remove this damn "#mlrelated" part in address bar... Can you see why, It's a Tampermonkey problem or Chrome ?

Posted: 23.06.2019.

Sorry i don't understand why, but it's ok For Chrome now !

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