PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Various search filters and user experience enhancers

< Feedback on PH - Search & UI Tweaks


Posted: 06.08.2020.

Hello again. Suggestions:
-The 'multiple category combination and exclusion' search options that you said the site has but has removed the UI for would be nice to have in UI form.
-The ability to toggle off/on all filtering. Sometimes I see someone has 10 videos but less than 10 are showing. This is the script doing its job, but in some cases, for example a super cute user I just discovered, I want to see the full unfiltered list, even though I usually filter out really short duration vids etc. In order to do this, I have to disable the script through tampermonkey and refresh. but of course I have to reenable the script afterwards.
-Endless scrolling. I have another script that auto adds the next page when scrolled to the bottom of the window (on the existing screen, without refreshing). I have to press apply in your script UI after loading these pages to apply the filters to the newly added pages though. This works well enough, but I bet you could implement it better, and endless scrolling is in general a good feature for those without another external addon.
-Playlist search. I don't know why phub doesn't have this feature built in to their site! It would be quite helpful. I have figured out how to do it through google search terms but it is a hassle.
-Playlist sorting. Another thing that should already exist from phub's UI. Sometimes I want to sort a playlist by newest (or lowest view counts) to find the freshest gems, but at the moment you would have to browse through the entire playlist.
-Custom speed of thumbnail hover screenshot preview. I wish the thumbnails would cycle much faster so I could more efficiently consider clicking the link. Alternatively, a pop up upon thumbnail hover that displays ~10 small screenshot prewviews in a horizontal line all at the same time would work too.
-One (fantasy) function that I always joke to myself would be the killer app of any tube site would be a way to filter by the contents of the video, say only thin girls, only asian girls, or only mature aged etc, without needing the uploader's designated tags. This of course would probably be near impossible to do, but man just imagine how great that would be.

If you are an avid user of youtube, porting many of the UI manipulating features of this script to a similar youtube script, if possible, would be quite useful. In general, the search functions of youtube are so limited, and I am sure a huge number of internet users might benefit from such a script. There was an addon called youtube plus for the old youtube UI that had a number of features to improve the UI, although not the same features as this script, but youtube has since redesigned and I am surprised nobody has developed a comprehensive UI enhancer for youtube considering how large the userbase is.

Anyway, I am still consistently impressed by your work in this script and how much it transforms use of this site. I haven't come across many addons that dynamically manipulate/removes entire elements of a page's display (without breaking it), for any sort of website. Srs, for how much your script improves phub, they should hire you to work on the actual website UI. Cheers.

Posted: 06.08.2020.
Edited: 07.08.2020.

Hi brazenvoid, I'm going to make a separate post with the topics we were talking about in the other message. But in the meantime, I come to support trojangroove's suggestions for improvements, especially the following:

1) It would be EXCELLENT to be able to search for playlists on a topic that interests you, in the same way that you search for a video. It's true that it's strange that Pornhub doesn't provide that feature by default.

2) I also think it would be useful (I was going to suggest it too), that the script has a toggle On and Off. It's helpful in cases where you have several filters applied and when you see a certain page, you want to remove them all temporarily so that all the videos appear. In that case, instead of having to click on several checkboxes and then on Apply, one would click on Toggle OFF. And later when you exit that page on Toggle ON again. Ideally, the toggle should work without having to refresh the page, but even in that case, it would be very useful. And even better if it had a user-configurable keyboard shortcut.

3) I completely agree that playlists need to be sorted by date. I mean, I will ALWAYS want to see a playlist with the newest videos first. However, as trojangroove says, the only alternative in Pornhub is to scroll the entire playlist to the end in order to see the most recently added videos. This is particularly annoying if you are subscribed to playlists with 1500 videos for example, and you regularly visit them to see new ones. You always have to start from the first video (the oldest) and scroll the 1500 videos to the end to see the new ones. That would be easily avoided if you could sort the playlist by date (with the most recently added videos first).

4) There's another improvement I was going to suggest, but since it refers to playlists, I'll add it here. The URLs for videos on Pornhub are in the following format:

But if you found that video in a playlist, even if you open it in a new tab, the URL changes to:

where the addition "&pkey=118111821" corresponds to the playlist identification. This addition causes that when you finish watching this video, the next video of that playlist will be automatically played, changing the whole page. I really HATE that.

So it would be great if the script could change all the video URLs that include the "&pkey=*" addition, removing it, and leaving only the clean URL that corresponds to the video. In that case, when the video finishes playing, there won't be another one automatically played.

Once again I congratulate and thank you for this wonderful script.

Posted: 10.08.2020.

Well to be very clear, these scripts cannot make new features unless they are exposed in some form in the website somewhere. Even though I would love to see a playlist search feature myself but unfortunately that is not possible.


  1. It has been enabled again on the website. I guess they turned it off to to make people go in circles thus increasing revenue in these Covid 19 times.

  2. The toggle is easy to make, I'll look into it.

  3. Fixed apply on each load. I do not want to work that much on this script to actually know how the website works with its servers as only then I will be able to make an infinite loader.

  4. Playlist search is impossible to make unless I worked for PH.

  5. Playlist sorting is a possibility. I'll see what I can do about that. The scroll loading though will mess with the sorting.

  6. Can't modify the thumbnails speeds, its their own code not handled through html.

  7. Well that indeed would be killer, much like how deviant art does with their content. But well it demands extensive work and it will not work for free.

  8. I am not an avid user of Youtube but I dabble and yes, it also has heavily manipulated search.

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