NHentai Improved

Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.

< Feedback on NHentai Improved

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 31.07.2019.

Nice Read Option But

Very useful script. Marking galleries that were already seen was that one thing this site was lacking. Especially when you browse through searching.

Few things though. 1) It would be great if you would add mark "read" while browsing on search results/tags and so on. It's pretty slow on comic info pages. For instance if one opens multiple tabs, only one page will be saved as read, rest will be ignored even if clicked. I tried to modify it but since single pages uses window.location.href.split, which cannot work on browse pages, my attempts failed trying to pull item from a.cover.

2) This import/export option would be great, i can easily imagine that all the data can be accidentally lost. Or simply where are those "reads" stored?

Anyway thanks for nice script.

Posted: 31.07.2019.

Thanks for the feedback :)

  1. Might add the option to mark them from browse pages later. 1.1 The bug with marking multiple comics from multiple tabs is now fixed

  2. Added a barebones import/export option. You'll need to click the button in the settings and then copy the data from there. Save it where ever you want. To import data simply paste it in there. I'll make it a bit fancier and easier to use at some point... The data is stored using Tampermonkey's "GM_setValue" system, which stores the data in some sort of local database system in the browser's appdata.

I haven't tested this, but if you open Tampermonkey settings, set the config mode to beginner, find the "Script Sync" and enable that, it might also sync the stored data for each script. So you might want to try that too.

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