- // ==UserScript==
- // @name E-Hentai - UX Tweaks
- // @namespace brazenvoid
- // @version 1.9.1
- // @author brazenvoid
- // @license GPL-3.0-only
- // @description Numerous features to enrich your browsing experience
- // @match https://e-hentai.org/*
- // @match https://exhentai.org/*
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/375557/1244990/Base%20Brazen%20Resource.js
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/416104/1498249/Brazen%20UI%20Generator.js
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/418665/1481350/Brazen%20Configuration%20Manager.js
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/429587/1244644/Brazen%20Item%20Attributes%20Resolver.js
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/416105/1478692/Brazen%20Base%20Search%20Enhancer.js
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @run-at document-end
- // ==/UserScript==
- GM_addStyle(
- `#settings-wrapper{min-width:310px;width:310px}.bv-section{font-size:1.25rem}.disliked-tag{background-color:lightcoral !important;color:white !important}.disliked-tag:hover{background-color:indianred !important}.disliked-tag > a{color:white !important}.disliked-tag.favourite-tag{background-color:orange !important}.disliked-tag.favourite-tag:hover{background-color:darkorange !important}.favourite-tag{background-color:mediumseagreen !important;color:white !important}.favourite-tag:hover{background-color:forestgreen !important}.favourite-tag > a{color:white !important}`)
- const IS_GALLERY_PAGE = $('#gdt').length
- const IS_IMAGE_PAGE = window.location.pathname.startsWith('/s/')
- const IS_SEARCH_PAGE = $('#f_search').length
- const IS_SMALL_WINDOW = $('.stuffbox').length
- const IS_TAG_SEARCH_PAGE = window.location.pathname.startsWith('/tag')
- const IS_UPLOADER_SEARCH_PAGE = window.location.pathname.startsWith('/uploader')
- const IS_WATCHED_PAGE = document.querySelectorAll('.ido > div > p.ip')?.length > 0
- const IS_EXTENDED_LAYOUT = IS_SEARCH_PAGE && $('table.itg.glte').length > 0
- const IS_MINIMAL_LAYOUT = !IS_EXTENDED_LAYOUT && $('table.itg.gltm').length > 0
- const IS_COMPACT_LAYOUT = !IS_MINIMAL_LAYOUT && $('table.itg.gltc').length > 0
- const IS_THUMBNAIL_LAYOUT = !IS_COMPACT_LAYOUT && $('div.itg.gld').length > 0
- const ITEM_RATED_BLUE = 'ratedBlue'
- const ITEM_RATED_GREEN = 'ratedGreen'
- const ITEM_RATED_RED = 'ratedRed'
- const ITEM_TAGS = 'tags'
- const ITEM_WATCHED = 'watched'
- const FILTER_WATCHED_FROM_SEARCH = 'Hide Watched Galleries'
- const FILTER_RATED_VIDEOS = 'Hide Rated Galleries'
- const STYLE_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHT = 'gallery-highlight'
- const UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE = 'Page Range'
- const UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE_ENABLE = 'Enable Page Range Filter'
- const UI_DEFAULTS_RATING = 'Rating'
- const UI_DEFAULTS_RATING_ENABLE = 'Enable Rating Filter'
- const UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS = 'Tags'
- const UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS_ENABLE = 'Enable Default Tags'
- const UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_AUTO_NEXT = 'Auto Next Page'
- const UI_DISLIKED_TAGS = 'Disliked Tags'
- const UI_FAVOURITE_TAGS = 'Favourite Tags'
- const UI_EMBED_TORRENTS = 'Embed Torrent Downloads'
- const UI_VISITED_HIGHLIGHT = 'Highlight Visited'
- const UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS = 'Gallery Highlights'
- const UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS_COlOUR = 'Highlight Colour'
- let selectorItem = '', selectorItemLink = '', selectorItemList = '', selectorItemName = ''
- selectorItem = 'tr'
- selectorItemLink = 'div.gl2e > div > a'
- selectorItemList = 'table.itg.glte > tbody'
- selectorItemName = 'div.gl4e.glname > div.glink'
- } else if (IS_COMPACT_LAYOUT) {
- selectorItem = 'tr'
- selectorItemLink = 'td.gl3c.glname > a'
- selectorItemList = 'table.itg.gltc > tbody'
- selectorItemName = 'td.gl3c.glname > a > div.glink'
- } else if (IS_MINIMAL_LAYOUT) {
- selectorItem = 'tr'
- selectorItemLink = 'td.gl3m.glname > a'
- selectorItemList = 'table.itg.gltm > tbody'
- selectorItemName = 'td.gl3m.glname > a > div.glink'
- } else if (IS_THUMBNAIL_LAYOUT) {
- selectorItem = 'div.gl1t'
- selectorItemLink = 'div.gl3t > a'
- selectorItemList = 'div.itg.gld'
- selectorItemName = 'div.gl4t.glname'
- }
- class EHentaiSearchAndUITweaks extends BrazenBaseSearchEnhancer
- {
- constructor()
- {
- super({
- isUserLoggedIn: false,
- itemDeepAnalysisSelector: 'div.gm',
- itemLinkSelector: selectorItemLink,
- itemListSelectors: selectorItemList,
- itemNameSelector: selectorItemName,
- itemSelectors: selectorItem,
- itemSelectionMethod: 'children',
- requestDelay: 0,
- scriptPrefix: 'e-hentai-ux-',
- tagSelectorGenerator: (tag) => {
- tag = tag.trim()
- let tagAttribute = tag.replaceAll(' ', '_')
- return 'div[id="td_' + tagAttribute + '"], a[id="ta_' + tagAttribute + '"]'
- }
- return 'div.gt[title="' + tag + '"], div.gtl[title="' + tag + '"]'
- },
- })
- this._setupFeatures()
- this._setupUI()
- this._setupEvents()
- }
- /**
- * @param {string} tag
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- _formatTag(tag)
- {
- if (tag.includes(':') && !tag.includes('"') && (tag.includes(' ') || tag.includes('+'))) {
- tag = tag.replace(':', ':"') + '"'
- }
- return tag
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {JQuery} item
- * @return {string[]}
- * @private
- */
- _gatherItemTags(item)
- {
- let tags = []
- let tagElements = item.find('.gt,.gtl')
- tagElements.each((_i, e) => {
- tags.push($(e).attr('title'))
- })
- } else {
- tagElements.each((_i, e) => {
- let tagID = $(e).find('a').attr('id')
- if (tagID.startsWith('ta_')) {
- tagID = tagID.replace('ta_', '')
- }
- if (tagID.startsWith('td_')) {
- tagID = tagID.replace('td_', '')
- }
- tags.push(tagID.replace('_', ' '))
- })
- }
- return tags
- }
- /**
- * @param {{}} range
- * @param {URLSearchParams} queryParams
- * @private
- */
- _handleDefaultPageRangeFilter(range, queryParams)
- {
- if (range.minimum > 0) {
- queryParams.set('f_spf', range.minimum)
- }
- if (range.maximum > 0) {
- queryParams.set('f_spt', range.maximum)
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {string} rating
- * @param {URLSearchParams} queryParams
- * @private
- */
- _handleDefaultRatingsFilter(rating, queryParams)
- {
- queryParams.set('f_srdd', rating)
- }
- /**
- * @param {string[]} tags
- * @param {URLSearchParams} queryParams
- * @private
- */
- _handleDefaultTags(tags, queryParams)
- {
- let existingTags = queryParams.get('f_search')
- let updatedTags = existingTags
- let include = true
- for (let tag of tags) {
- if (!existingTags.includes(tag)) {
- updatedTags += '+' + this._formatTag(tag)
- } else {
- include = false
- break
- }
- }
- if (include) {
- queryParams.set('f_search', updatedTags)
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- _handleDefaults()
- {
- let queryParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
- let existingParams = queryParams.toString()
- if (!queryParams.has('next') &&
- (this._getConfig(UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE_ENABLE) || this._getConfig(UI_DEFAULTS_RATING_ENABLE) ||
- this._getConfig(UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS_ENABLE))) {
- if (!queryParams.has('f_search')) {
- let existingTag = ''
- let urlSegments = window.location.pathname.split('/')
- existingTag = urlSegments.pop().trim()
- existingTag = 'uploader:' + urlSegments.pop().trim()
- }
- queryParams.set('f_search', existingTag.length ? this._formatTag(existingTag) : '')
- }
- if (!queryParams.has('advsearch')) {
- queryParams.set('advsearch', '1')
- }
- let validatePageRange = (range, defaultValidator) => defaultValidator(range) && !queryParams.has('f_spf') &&
- !queryParams.has('f_spt')
- this._performTogglableComplexOperation(UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE_ENABLE, UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE, validatePageRange,
- (range) => {
- this._handleDefaultPageRangeFilter(range, queryParams)
- })
- let validateRatingFilter = (range, defaultValidator) => defaultValidator(range) && !queryParams.has('f_srdd')
- this._performTogglableComplexOperation(UI_DEFAULTS_RATING_ENABLE, UI_DEFAULTS_RATING, validateRatingFilter,
- (rating) => {
- this._handleDefaultRatingsFilter(rating, queryParams)
- })
- this._performTogglableOperation(UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS_ENABLE, UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS, (tags) => {
- this._handleDefaultTags(tags, queryParams)
- })
- let updatedParams = queryParams.toString().replaceAll('%2B', '+')
- if (updatedParams !== existingParams) {
- window.location = window.location.origin + '?' + updatedParams
- } else {
- window.location = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?' + updatedParams
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {JQuery} item
- * @private
- */
- _handleGalleryHighlights(item)
- {
- let mode = this._getConfig(UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS)
- let itemHasHighlight = item.hasClass(STYLE_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHT)
- if (mode !== 'Disabled') {
- let itemTags = this._get(item, ITEM_TAGS), doHighlight, tag
- if (itemTags) {
- for (let rule of this._configurationManager.getField(UI_FAVOURITE_TAGS).optimized) {
- doHighlight = true
- for (let tagSelector of rule) {
- tag = tagSelector.split('"], div.gtl[title="').pop().replace('"]', '')
- if ((mode === 'All' && !itemTags.includes(tag)) ||
- (mode === 'Source' && ((!tag.startsWith('artist:') && !tag.startsWith('group:')) || !itemTags.includes(tag)))) {
- doHighlight = false
- break
- }
- }
- if (doHighlight) {
- if (!itemHasHighlight) {
- }
- break
- }
- }
- if (!doHighlight && itemHasHighlight) {
- }
- }
- } else if (itemHasHighlight) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- async _handleOpenGalleryImages()
- {
- let chunkSize = this._getConfig(UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_CHUNK_SIZE)
- let delay = this._getConfig(UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_DELAY)
- let images = $('#gdt > a')
- let iteration = 0
- let firstPageNumber = images.first().attr('href').split('-').pop()
- let maxPages = firstPageNumber + images.length - 1
- for (let page = images.length - 1; page >= 0; page--) {
- window.open(images.eq(page).attr('href'))
- if (chunkSize && delay) {
- iteration++
- if (iteration === chunkSize && page !== 0) {
- iteration = 0
- await Utilities.sleep(delay * 1000)
- }
- }
- }
- if (this._getConfig(UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_AUTO_NEXT)) {
- let page = window.location.href.split('=')[1] || 0
- let pageNavs = $('.ptt td')
- maxPages = Number.parseInt(pageNavs.eq(pageNavs.length - 2).children('a').text()) - 1
- if (page < maxPages) {
- let uri = window.location.href
- if (page === 0) {
- uri += '?p=1'
- } else {
- uri = uri.replace('?p=' + page++, '?p=' + page)
- }
- window.location = uri
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {JQuery} item
- * @param {string} option
- * @private
- */
- _handleRatedGalleries(item, option)
- {
- let doesntComply
- switch (option) {
- case 'Blue':
- doesntComply = this._get(item, ITEM_RATED_BLUE)
- break
- case 'Green':
- doesntComply = this._get(item, ITEM_RATED_GREEN)
- break
- case 'Red':
- doesntComply = this._get(item, ITEM_RATED_RED)
- break
- case 'All':
- doesntComply = this._get(item, ITEM_RATED_BLUE) || this._get(item, ITEM_RATED_GREEN) || this._get(item, ITEM_RATED_RED)
- break
- }
- return !doesntComply
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- _handleTorrentDownloadsEmbedding()
- {
- let link = $('#gd5 > .g2 > a').eq(1)
- if (!link.text().endsWith('(0)')) {
- let container = $('<div class="gm"></div>').insertBefore('#cdiv')
- container.load(link.attr('onclick').replace('return popUp(\'', '').replace('\',610,590)', '') + ' form', () => {
- container.prepend('<h1 style="font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin:3px; text-align:center">Torrents</h1>')
- link.parent().remove()
- })
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- _setupEvents()
- {
- this._onValidateInit = () => !IS_SMALL_WINDOW
- this._onBeforeUIBuild.push(() => {
- this._performOperation(UI_VISITED_HIGHLIGHT, () => {
- GM_addStyle(`td.gl2e > div > a:visited > .glname > .glink {color: black;}`)
- })
- this._handleDefaults()
- GM_addStyle('.gallery-highlight{background-color:' + this._getConfig(UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS_COlOUR) + ' !important;border:whitesmoke 2px solid}')
- }
- })
- this._onAfterUIBuild.push(() => {
- this._uiGen.getSelectedSection()[0].userScript = this
- this._performOperation(UI_EMBED_TORRENTS, () => this._handleTorrentDownloadsEmbedding())
- }
- })
- this._onItemHide = (item) => {
- if (item.is('td.gl2e')) {
- item.parent().addClass('noncompliant-item')
- item.parent().hide()
- } else {
- item.removeClass('noncompliant-item')
- item.hide()
- }
- }
- this._onItemShow.push((item) => {
- if (item.is('td.gl2e')) {
- item.parent().removeClass('noncompliant-item')
- item.parent().show()
- } else {
- item.removeClass('noncompliant-item')
- item.show()
- }
- })
- this._onItemShow.push((item) => this._handleGalleryHighlights(item))
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- _setupFeatures()
- {
- this._configurationManager.
- addFlagField(
- 'Hides watched galleries from searches initiated other than the watched page.').
- addFlagField(
- UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_AUTO_NEXT, 'Automatically navigates to the next page after opening all images.').
- addFlagField(
- 'Always set these page limits in searches. Ignored if you set your own values on the page.').
- addFlagField(
- UI_DEFAULTS_RATING_ENABLE, 'Enable default rating filter in searches').
- addFlagField(
- UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS_ENABLE, 'Enable default tags in searches.').
- addFlagField(
- UI_EMBED_TORRENTS, 'Embed torrent downloads in gallery pages.').
- addFlagField(
- UI_VISITED_HIGHLIGHT, 'Colours the visited gallery links black, to make them distinct.').
- addNumberField(
- UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_CHUNK_SIZE, 0, 1000, 'Number of pages to open in one go. Set 0 to open all.').
- addNumberField(
- UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_DELAY, 0, 60, 'The delay between chunks in seconds. Set 0 to disable.').
- addRadiosGroup(
- [
- ['Disabled', 'Disabled'],
- ['Red', 'Red'],
- ['Blue', 'Blue'],
- ['Green', 'Green'],
- ['All', 'All'],
- ],
- 'Hides galleries rated by you with the colour set in site settings or all.').
- addRadiosGroup(
- [
- ['2 stars', '2'],
- ['3 stars', '3'],
- ['4 stars', '4'],
- ['5 stars', '5'],
- ],
- 'Always set this rating filter in searches. Ignored if you set your own value on the page.').
- addRadiosGroup(
- [
- ['Disabled', 'Disabled'],
- ['All Favourite Tags', 'All'],
- ['Only Group / Artist Tags', 'Source'],
- ],
- 'Highlights favourite galleries in search results with at least one matching tag.').
- addRangeField(
- UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE, 0, 2000, 'Enable default page range filter in searches.').
- addRulesetField(
- 3,
- 'Always add the following tags in search. Can be overridden with at least one tag present.').
- addTextField(
- UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS_COlOUR, 'Colour to highlight the galleries with. Requires refresh to change.', 'mediumaquamarine')
- this._addItemTagAttribute(ITEM_TAGS, !IS_EXTENDED_LAYOUT, false, (item) => this._gatherItemTags(item))
- this._itemAttributesResolver.
- addAttribute(ITEM_WATCHED, (item) => item.find('.gt[style],.gtl[style]').length > 0).
- addAttribute(ITEM_RATED_BLUE, (item) => item.find('.irb').length > 0).
- addAttribute(ITEM_RATED_GREEN, (item) => item.find('.irg').length > 0).
- addAttribute(ITEM_RATED_RED, (item) => item.find('.irr').length > 0)
- let otherTagSections = IS_GALLERY_PAGE ? $('#taglist') : null
- this._addItemComplexComplianceFilter(
- (option) => option !== 'Disabled',
- (item, option) => this._handleRatedGalleries(item, option))
- this._addItemComplexComplianceFilter(
- (enabled) => !IS_GALLERY_PAGE && !IS_WATCHED_PAGE && enabled,
- (item) => !this._get(item, ITEM_WATCHED))
- this._addItemTagHighlights(
- otherTagSections,
- 'favourite-tag',
- 'Specify favourite tags to highlight.',
- 10,
- 'disliked-tag')
- this._addItemTagHighlights(
- otherTagSections,
- 'disliked-tag',
- 'Specify disliked tags to highlight.',
- 10,
- 'favourite-tag')
- this._addItemTagBlacklistFilter(ITEM_TAGS, false, 20)
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- _setupUI()
- {
- let galleryOptions = []
- let statistics = []
- galleryOptions = [
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._uiGen.createFormButton(
- 'Open Gallery Images',
- 'Opens all images on current page of this gallery.',
- () => this._handleOpenGalleryImages(),
- ),
- ]
- } else {
- statistics = [
- this._uiGen.createStatisticsFormGroup(FILTER_TAG_BLACKLIST),
- this._uiGen.createStatisticsFormGroup(FILTER_RATED_VIDEOS),
- IS_WATCHED_PAGE ? '' : this._uiGen.createStatisticsFormGroup(FILTER_WATCHED_FROM_SEARCH),
- ]
- }
- this._userInterface = [
- this._uiGen.createTabsSection(['Filters', 'Filters 2', 'Galleries', 'Tag Highlights', 'Search Defaults', 'UI', 'Backup'], [
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Filters', true).append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(FILTER_WATCHED_FROM_SEARCH),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_ENABLE_TAG_BLACKLIST),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(FILTER_TAG_BLACKLIST),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_DISABLE_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Filters 2').append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(FILTER_RATED_VIDEOS),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Galleries').append([
- this._uiGen.createTitle('Open Images'),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_AUTO_NEXT),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_CHUNK_SIZE),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_OPEN_GALLERY_PAGES_DELAY),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS),
- this._uiGen.createBreakSeparator(),
- this._uiGen.createBreakSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_GALLERY_HIGHLIGHTS_COlOUR),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Tag Highlights').append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_FAVOURITE_TAGS),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DISLIKED_TAGS),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Search Defaults').append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE_ENABLE),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DEFAULTS_PAGE_RANGE),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DEFAULTS_RATING),
- this._uiGen.createBreakSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DEFAULTS_RATING_ENABLE),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS_ENABLE),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_DEFAULTS_TAGS),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('UI').append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_EMBED_TORRENTS),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(UI_VISITED_HIGHLIGHT),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_SETTINGS_PANE),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Backup').append([
- this._createSettingsBackupRestoreFormActions(),
- ]),
- ]),
- ...statistics,
- ...galleryOptions,
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._createSettingsFormActions(),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._uiGen.createStatusSection(),
- ]
- }
- }
- if (!IS_IMAGE_PAGE) {
- (new EHentaiSearchAndUITweaks).init()
- }