Sleazy Fork is available in English.

HV - Clean Forum Contents

E-H Forums Tweaks

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name HV - Clean Forum Contents
  3. // @grant none
  4. // @include /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org\/index\.php\?.*\bshowtopic=.*/
  5. // @include /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org/index\.php\?.*\bresult_type=posts/
  6. // @include /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org\/index\.php\?act=([Pp]ost|ST|Msg)&/
  7. // @include /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org\/index\.php\?showuser=.*/
  8. // @include /^https?://forums\.e-hentai\.org\/index\.php\?showforum=.*/
  9. // @include*
  10. // @include*
  11. // @version
  12. // @namespace
  13. // @description E-H Forums Tweaks
  14. // ==/UserScript==
  16. var wnd = window
  17. var doc = wnd.document
  18. var loc = wnd.location
  19. var href = loc.href
  21. var $ = function(e, css) { if(!css) { css=e; e=doc }; return e.querySelector(css) }
  22. var $$ = function(e, css) { if(!css) { css=e; e=doc }; return e.querySelectorAll(css) }
  24. /*** Settings ***/
  26. // For forums
  27. var hide_pinned_threads = true
  28. var hide_unread_imgs = true
  29. var hide_closed_shops = true
  30. var highlight_auctions = true
  31. var highlight_shop_owners = true
  32. var hide_top_area = true
  33. var hide_bottom_area = true
  34. var hide_last_posts = true
  35. if(typeof wnd.do_not_hide == 'undefined') {
  36. var do_not_hide = [ // user IDs
  37. 0,
  38. ]
  39. } else { var do_not_hide = wnd.do_not_hide }
  40. if(typeof wnd.wts_shop_owners_to_highlight == 'undefined') {
  41. var wts_shop_owners_to_highlight = [ // user IDs
  42. 0,
  43. ]
  44. } else { var wts_shop_owners_to_highlight = wnd.wts_shop_owners_to_highlight }
  45. if(typeof wnd.wtb_shop_owners_to_highlight == 'undefined') {
  46. var wtb_shop_owners_to_highlight = [ // user IDs
  47. 0,
  48. ]
  49. } else { var wtb_shop_owners_to_highlight = wnd.wtb_shop_owners_to_highlight }
  50. if(typeof wnd.wts_thread_blist == 'undefined') {
  51. var wts_thread_blist = [ // thread IDs
  52. 0,
  53. ]
  54. } else { var wts_thread_blist = wnd.wts_thread_blist }
  55. if(typeof wnd.wtb_thread_blist == 'undefined') {
  56. var wtb_thread_blist = [ // thread IDs
  57. 0,
  58. ]
  59. } else { var wtb_thread_blist = wnd.wtb_thread_blist }
  60. if(typeof wnd.chat_thread_wlist == 'undefined') {
  61. var chat_thread_wlist = [ // thread IDs
  62. 0,
  63. ]
  64. } else { var chat_thread_wlist = wnd.chat_thread_wlist }
  65. if(typeof wnd.user_blist == 'undefined') {
  66. var user_blist = [ // user IDs
  67. 0,
  68. ]
  69. } else { var user_blist = wnd.user_blist }
  70. if(typeof wnd.user_blist_wts == 'undefined') {
  71. var user_blist_wts = [ // user IDs
  72. 0,
  73. ]
  74. } else { var user_blist_wts = wnd.user_blist_wts }
  75. if(typeof wnd.user_blist_wtb == 'undefined') {
  76. var user_blist_wtb = [ // user IDs
  77. 0,
  78. ]
  79. } else { var user_blist_wtb = wnd.user_blist_wtb }
  80. if(typeof wnd.uname_blist == 'undefined') {
  81. var uname_blist = [ // hide quotes by username (string)
  82. '',
  83. ]
  84. } else { var uname_blist = wnd.uname_blist }
  86. // For posts
  87. var hide_emotes = [
  88. /\bstyle_emoticons\//,
  89. /\/folder_post_icons\//,
  90. /\/ehgt\/cm\//,
  91. ]
  92. var hide_cutie_marks = true
  93. var hide_post_count = true
  94. var hide_warn_levels = true
  95. var dup_edit_time = true
  96. if(typeof wnd.uid_blist == 'undefined') {
  97. var uid_blist = [ // hide posts by uid (integer)
  98. 0,
  99. ]
  100. } else { var uid_blist = wnd.uid_blist }
  101. if(typeof wnd.dont_clean == 'undefined') {
  102. var dont_clean = [ // topic id
  103. 0,
  104. ]
  105. } else { var dont_clean = wnd.dont_clean }
  106. if(typeof wnd.uname_blist_bounty == 'undefined') {
  107. var uname_blist_bounty = [ // username
  108. '',
  109. ]
  110. } else { var uname_blist_bounty = wnd.uname_blist_bounty }
  112. /*** End of Settings ***/
  114. /*** The BWList script ***/
  116. var showforum = href.match(/showforum=(\d+)/)
  117. if(!showforum) { showforum = href.match(/&?\bf=(\d+)/) }
  118. if(showforum) {
  119. showforum = showforum[1]
  121. // Hide unread imgs
  122. if(hide_unread_imgs) {
  123. var imgs = $$('img[src="style_images/ambience/newpost.gif"]')
  124. for(var i=0, len=imgs.length; i<len; i++) { imgs[i].style.display = 'none' }
  125. var imgs = $$('img[src="style_images/fusion/newpost.gif"]')
  126. for(var i=0, len=imgs.length; i<len; i++) { imgs[i].style.display = 'none' }
  127. }
  129. // Hide closed shops
  130. if(hide_closed_shops) {
  131. if(showforum == '77' || showforum == '78') {
  132. var lnks = $$('td.row1 > div > span > a[id^="tid-link-"]')
  133. //var closed_patterns = /\b(close|closed|complete|(delete|del\b)|done|end|none|nothing|shut|sorry)/i
  134. var closed_patterns = /\b(close|closed|complete|(delete|del\b)|done|end|none|nothing|shut|sorry|auction|lottery|lotto|event)/i
  135. for(var i=0, len=lnks.length; i<len; i++) {
  136. if((!/&st=/.test(href)) || (/&st=0/.test(href))) { // (probably) on the first page
  137. if(/\b(auction|lottery|lotto|event)\b/i.test(lnks[i].textContent)) { continue }
  138. }
  139. var owner = $(lnks[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, 'td.row2 > a[href*="showuser"]')
  140. if(do_not_hide.indexOf(parseInt(owner.href.match(/showuser=(\d+)/)[1])) != -1){ continue }
  141. if(closed_patterns.test(lnks[i].textContent)) {
  142. lnks[i] = 'none'
  143. continue
  144. }
  145. var desc = $(lnks[i].parentNode.parentNode, 'span#tid-desc-'+lnks[i].id.match(/(\d+)/)[1])
  146. if(closed_patterns.test(desc.textContent)) {
  147. = 'none'
  148. continue
  149. }
  150. }
  151. }
  152. }
  154. // Highlight auctions
  155. if(highlight_auctions) {
  156. if(showforum == '77') {
  157. var lnks = $$('td.row1 > div > span > a[id^="tid-link-"]')
  158. for(var i=0, len=lnks.length; i<len; i++) {
  159. if(/\b(auction|lottery|lotto|event)\b/i.test(lnks[i].textContent)) {
  160. var owner = $(lnks[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, 'td.row2 > a[href*="showuser"]')
  161. if( == '') { = 'blue'}
  162. }
  163. }
  164. }
  165. }
  167. // Highlight shop owners
  168. if(highlight_shop_owners) {
  169. var fav = []
  170. if(showforum == '77') { fav = wts_shop_owners_to_highlight } // WTS
  171. else if(showforum == '78') { fav = wtb_shop_owners_to_highlight } // WTB
  172. var owner = $$('td.row2 > a[href*="showuser"]')
  173. for(var i=0, len=owner.length; i<len; i++) {
  174. //if((fav.indexOf(owner[i].textContent) != -1) && (owner[i].style.color == '')) { owner[i].style.color = 'red' }
  175. for(var j=0, len_j=fav.length; j<len_j; j++) {
  176. if((new RegExp('showuser='+fav[j]+'\\b').test(owner[i].href)) && (owner[i].style.color == '')) {
  177. owner[i].style.color = 'red'
  178. break
  179. }
  180. }
  181. }
  182. }
  184. // Hide specified forum threads
  185. var thread_blist = thread_wlist = []
  186. if(showforum == '76') { thread_wlist = chat_thread_wlist } // Chat
  187. else if(showforum == '77') { thread_blist = wts_thread_blist } // WTS
  188. else if(showforum == '78') { thread_blist = wtb_thread_blist } // WTB
  189. if(thread_blist.length) {
  190. for(var i=0, len=thread_blist.length; i<len; i++) {
  191. try { $('#tid-link-'+thread_blist[i]) = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  192. }
  193. }
  194. else if(thread_wlist.length) {
  195. var lnks = $$('td.row1 > div > span > a[id^="tid-link-"]')
  196. for(var i=0, len=lnks.length; i<len; i++) {
  197. if(!/^tid-link-/.test(lnks[i].id)) { continue }
  198. var tid = parseInt(lnks[i].id.match(/tid-link-(\d+)/)[1])
  199. if(thread_wlist.indexOf(tid)==-1) {
  200. try { lnks[i] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  201. }
  202. }
  203. }
  205. // Hide threads made by specific users on any subforums
  206. if(user_blist.length) {
  207. var users = $$('td.row2 > a[href*="showuser"]')
  208. for(var i=0, len=users.length; i<len; i++) {
  209. for(var j=0, len_j=user_blist.length; j<len_j; j++) {
  210. //if((new RegExp('showuser='+user_blist[j]+'\\b').test(users[i].href)) && (users[i].style.color == '')) {
  211. if(new RegExp('showuser='+user_blist[j]+'\\b').test(users[i].href)) {
  212. //if(!/\bauction\b/i.test(users[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.row1')[2].textContent)) {
  213. //users[i] = 'none'
  214. //}
  215. users[i] = 'none'
  216. break
  217. }
  218. }
  219. }
  220. }
  222. // Hide threads made by specific users on WTS
  223. if(user_blist_wts.length) {
  224. if(showforum == '77') {
  225. var users = $$('td.row2 > a[href*="showuser"]')
  226. for(var i=0, len=users.length; i<len; i++) {
  227. for(var j=0, len_j=user_blist_wts.length; j<len_j; j++) {
  228. //if((new RegExp('showuser='+user_blist_wts[j]+'\\b').test(users[i].href)) && (users[i].style.color == '')) {
  229. if(new RegExp('showuser='+user_blist_wts[j]+'\\b').test(users[i].href)) {
  230. if(!/\bauction\b/i.test(users[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.row1')[2].textContent)) {
  231. users[i] = 'none'
  232. }
  233. break
  234. }
  235. }
  236. }
  237. }
  238. }
  240. // Hide threads made by specific users on WTB
  241. if(user_blist_wtb.length) {
  242. if(showforum == '78') {
  243. var users = $$('td.row2 > a[href*="showuser"]')
  244. for(var i=0, len=users.length; i<len; i++) {
  245. for(var j=0, len_j=user_blist_wtb.length; j<len_j; j++) {
  246. //if((new RegExp('showuser='+user_blist_wtb[j]+'\\b').test(users[i].href)) && (users[i].style.color == '')) {
  247. if(new RegExp('showuser='+user_blist_wtb[j]+'\\b').test(users[i].href)) {
  248. if(!/\bauction\b/i.test(users[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.row1')[2].textContent)) {
  249. users[i] = 'none'
  250. }
  251. break
  252. }
  253. }
  254. }
  255. }
  256. }
  257. }
  259. /*** End of the BWList script ***/
  261. if(/act=post/i.test(href)) {
  262. var ids = $$('.row2:first-child')
  263. for(var i=0, len=ids.length; i<len; i++) {
  264. if(uname_blist.indexOf(ids[i].textContent) != -1) {
  265. ids[i] = 'none'
  266. try { ids[i] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  267. try { ids[i] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  268. }
  269. }
  270. }
  271. else if(/:\/\/forums\./.test(href)) {
  272. if(/(showtopic=\d+)|(\bresult_type=posts)/.test(href)) {
  273. // Hide posts
  274. var hide_this = true
  275. if(/showtopic=\d+/.test(href) && (dont_clean.indexOf(parseInt(href.match(/showtopic=(\d+)/)[1])) != -1)) { hide_this = false }
  276. if(hide_this) {
  277. var borderwrap = $$('.borderwrap')
  278. for(var i=0, len=borderwrap.length; i<len; i++) {
  279. var is_post = ($(borderwrap[i], '.postcolor') != null)
  280. if(is_post) {
  281. var uid = $(borderwrap[i], 'a[href^=""], a[href^=""]')
  282. if(uid) {
  283. uid = parseInt(uid.href.match(/\?showuser=(\d+)/)[1])
  284. if(uid_blist.indexOf(uid) != -1) {
  285. borderwrap[i].style.display = 'none'
  286. try {
  287. if(/(BR|TABLE)/.test(borderwrap[i].previousSibling.previousSibling.tagName)) {
  288. borderwrap[i] = 'none'
  289. }
  290. } catch(e) {}
  291. try {
  292. if(borderwrap[i].previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.tagName == 'BR') {
  293. borderwrap[i] = 'none'
  294. }
  295. } catch(e) {}
  296. try {
  297. if(/(BR|TABLE)/.test(borderwrap[i].nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName)) {
  298. borderwrap[i] = 'none'
  299. }
  300. } catch(e) {}
  301. try {
  302. if(borderwrap[i].nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName == 'BR') {
  303. borderwrap[i] = 'none'
  304. }
  305. } catch(e) {}
  306. }
  307. }
  308. }
  309. }
  310. }
  311. }
  312. else if(/showforum=\d+/.test(href)) {
  313. if(hide_pinned_threads) {
  314. var divs = document.querySelectorAll('tr>td.row1>div')
  315. if(divs) {
  316. for(var i=divs.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(/Pinned:/.test(divs[i].textContent)) { divs[i] = 'none' } }
  317. }
  318. }
  319. }
  320. }
  321. else if(/&ss=mm$/.test(href) || /&filter=inbox/.test(href)) {
  322. var letters = $$('#mainpane tr[onclick]')
  323. for(var i=0, len=letters.length; i<len; i++) {
  324. if(uname_blist.indexOf(letters[i].querySelector('td').textContent) != -1) {
  325. letters[i].style.display = 'none'
  326. }
  327. }
  328. }
  329. else if(/\/bounty\.php\?bid=/.test(href)) {
  330. var unames = $$('.brw a')
  331. for(var i=0, len=unames.length; i<len; i++) {
  332. if(uname_blist_bounty.indexOf(unames[i].textContent) != -1) {
  333. unames[i] = 'none'
  334. }
  335. }
  336. }
  338. // Hide quotes
  339. if(/:\/\/forums\./.test(href)) {
  340. var p = new RegExp('^QUOTE\\((' + uname_blist.join('|') + ') @', 'i')
  341. var postcolor = $$('.postcolor')
  342. for(var i=0, len=postcolor.length; i<len; i++) {
  343. var quotetop = $$(postcolor[i], '.quotetop')
  344. for(var j=0, len2=quotetop.length; j<len2; j++) {
  345. if(p.test(quotetop[j].textContent)) {
  346. quotetop[j].style.display = 'none'
  347. try { quotetop[j] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  348. try { if(quotetop[j].nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName == 'BR') { quotetop[j] = 'none' } } catch(e) {}
  349. try { if(quotetop[j].nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName == 'BR') { quotetop[j] = 'none' } } catch(e) {}
  350. try { if(quotetop[j].nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName == 'BR') { quotetop[j] = 'none' } } catch(e) {}
  351. try { if(quotetop[j].nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName == 'BR') { quotetop[j] = 'none' } } catch(e) {}
  352. }
  353. }
  354. }
  355. }
  357. // Hide emotes
  358. if(hide_emotes.length >= 1) {
  359. var imgs = $$('IMG')
  360. for(var i=imgs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
  361. for(var a=0, len=hide_emotes.length; a<len; a++) {
  362. if(hide_emotes[a].test(imgs[i].src)) {
  363. imgs[i].style.display = 'none'
  364. break
  365. }
  366. }
  367. }
  368. }
  370. // Hide cutie marks
  371. if(hide_cutie_marks) {
  372. if(/:\/\/forums\./.test(href)) {
  373. var div = $$('DIV[style*="url("], DIV[style*="url("]')
  374. for(var i=0, len=div.length; i<len; i++) { div[i].style.display = 'none' }
  375. }
  376. }
  378. // Hide post counts
  379. if(hide_post_count) {
  380. if(/:\/\/forums\./.test(href)) {
  381. var a = $$('a[onclick^="link_to_post("]')
  382. for(var i=0, len=a.length; i<len; i++) { a[i].text = '#' }
  383. }
  384. }
  386. // Hide warn levels
  387. if(hide_warn_levels) {
  388. if(/:\/\/forums\./.test(href)) {
  389. var w = $$('img[src*="style_images/ambience/warn"]')
  390. for(var i=0, len=w.length; i<len; i++) {
  391. w[i].style.display = 'none'
  392. try { w[i].previousSibling.textContent = '' } catch(e) {}
  393. try { w[i].previousSibling.previousSibling.textContent = '' } catch(e) {}
  394. try { w[i].previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.textContent = '' } catch(e) {}
  395. try {
  396. var spacer = w[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll('img[src*="style_images/ambience/spacer."]')
  397. for(var j=0, len2=spacer.length; j<len2; j++) {
  398. spacer[j].style.display = 'none'
  399. }
  400. } catch(e) {}
  401. }
  402. }
  403. }
  405. // Duplicate last edit time to the top of a post
  406. if(dup_edit_time) {
  407. if(/showtopic=\d+/.test(href) && !/&st=/.test(href)) {
  408. var posts = $$('*[id^="post-main-"]')
  409. for(var i=0, len=posts.length; i<len; i++) {
  410. var last_edit_time = 'N/A'
  411. var edit = $(posts[i], '.edit')
  412. if(edit) { last_edit_time = edit.textContent.match(/^This post has been edited by .*: (.*)/)[1] }
  413. posts[i].innerHTML = '<p>Last Edited: ' + last_edit_time + '</p><br>' + posts[i].innerHTML
  414. }
  415. }
  416. }
  418. // Hide top area
  419. if(hide_top_area) {
  420. if(/(showtopic=\d+)|(\bresult_type=posts)/.test(href) && !/act=Msg/i.test(href)) {
  421. var hide_this = true
  422. var topic_id = href.match(/showtopic=(\d+)/)
  423. if(topic_id) { if(dont_clean.indexOf(parseInt(topic_id[1])) != -1) { hide_this = false } }
  424. if($('h3')) { hide_this = false }
  425. if(hide_this) {
  426. if(!/&st=/.test(href)) {
  427. try {
  428. var e = $('.pagecurrent')
  429. var e2 = e.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
  430. if(e2 && e2.className == 'ipbtable') { = 'none' }
  431. else { = 'none' }
  432. } catch(e) {}
  433. try { $$('img[src$="style_images/ambience/cat_top_ls.gif"]')[1] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  434. try { $('.subtitle') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  435. }
  436. try { $('td[style*="background-image:url(style_images/ambience/header_eh_textbarbg.jpg)"]') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  437. try { $('table.mainnav').style.display = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  438. try { $('img[src$="style_images/ambience/cat_top_ls.gif"]') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  439. try { $('#userlinks').style.display = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  440. try { $('img[src$="style_images/ambience/ls_main_table_bottom.gif"]') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  441. try { $('#navstrip') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  442. try { $('img[src$="style_images/ambience/nav_m.gif"]') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  443. }
  444. }
  445. }
  447. // Hide bottom area
  448. if(hide_bottom_area) {
  449. if(/:\/\/forums\./.test(href) && !/act=Msg/i.test(href)) {
  450. try { $('.borderwrap .formsubtitle') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  451. try { $('.borderwrap .dropdown') = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  452. try { $('.copyright').style.display = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  453. try { $$('img[src*="style_images/ambience/expand_main_table."]')[0] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  454. try { $$('img[src*="style_images/ambience/expand_main_table."]')[1] = 'none' } catch(e) {}
  455. }
  456. }
  458. // Hide last posts
  459. if(hide_last_posts) {
  460. if(/showforum=/.test(href)) {
  461. var f_hide_last_posts = function() {
  462. //var a = $$('span.lastaction a[href^=""], span.lastaction a[href^=""]')
  463. var a = $$('span.lastaction a[href$="&view=getlastpost"]')
  464. for(var i=0, len=a.length; i<len; i++) {
  465. var e = doc.createElement('a')
  466. e.text = 'Last'
  467. e.href = a[i].href
  468. a[i].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(e)
  469. a[i].parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(a[i].parentNode)
  470. }
  471. }
  472. f_hide_last_posts()
  473. //setTimeout(f_hide_last_posts, 1000)
  474. //setTimeout(f_hide_last_posts, 2000)
  475. //setTimeout(f_hide_last_posts, 3000)
  476. //setTimeout(f_hide_last_posts, 4000)
  477. //setTimeout(f_hide_last_posts, 5000)
  478. }
  479. }
  481. // Hide user links in the "fo_fid" div
  482. if(/showforum=/.test(href)) {
  483. var fid = ''
  484. try { var fid = href.match(/showforum=(\d+)/)[1] } catch(e) {}
  485. var e = $('#fo_' + fid)
  486. if(e) {
  487. var a = $$(e, 'a[href*="showuser="]')
  488. for(var i=0, len=a.length; i<len; i++) {
  489. a[i].style.display = 'none'
  490. //var uid = a[i].href.match(/showuser=(\d+)/)[1]
  491. //if((uname_blist.indexOf(a[i].text)!=-1) || (user_blist.indexOf(uid)!=-1)) {
  492. //a[i].style.display = 'none'
  493. //}
  494. }
  495. }
  496. }