
Remove ads, enlarge video, add video download links, block popups and stops autoplay keeping buffering

Pada tanggal 07 April 2016. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

// ==UserScript==
// @author			Jack_mustang
// @version			5.6.2
// @name			ExtendRedTube
// @description		Remove ads, enlarge video, add video download links, block popups and stops autoplay keeping buffering
// @date			2016 April 7
// @include			*redtube.com*
// @include			*redtube.org*
// @include			*redtube.cz*
// @include			*redtube.es*
// @include			*redtube.fr*
// @include			*redtube.it*
// @include			*redtube.kr*
// @include			*redtube.pl*
// @include			*redtube.si*
// @exclude			*blog.redtube.com*
// @run-at			document-start
// @grant			none
// @license			Public Domain
// @icon			https://gmgmla.dm2301.livefilestore.com/y2phTdvWAn7a3fxjda6GWNCiS1ERegalgwxn5z-65SPxhpws5ISHa-Z8CHpmq18FPUOBm-3QJtCfOYFaiyM0Kji1MwBUy6mkxBLJtc5THpPtEU/ERT-logo.png
// @namespace		44db8537bb6ac3d112dd3b5ec7b6b33b84aa5765
// ==/UserScript==
// Block popups
function NoOpen(e){return 1}
window.open = function(){return;}
open = function(){return;}
this.open = function(){return;}
parent.open = function(){return;}

window.g367CB268B1094004A3689751E7AC568F = {
	Core: "stop mouse tracking and popups"
window.__defineSetter__("f8CB2C22AA84415BA2272F8261AED24C", function() {
	return "Seriously, STOP!"

var ExtendRT = function ExtendRedTube() {
	// Pop-up killer, we trick RT to think we are old Presto Opera, this kills the pop-ups

	//Inject CSS

	window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
		// Remove ads functions, comment these if you just want them hidden
		function removeQuery(query) {
			var ifr = document.querySelectorAll(query)
			if(ifr.length > 0)
				for(var i=0; i < ifr.length; i++)

		// Remove iframe ads
		// Remove footer ad
		removeQuery('.videosTable + style + div')
		removeQuery('.videosDetails + div + style + div')
		// Adblock notice
		// remove search ad
		// Remove below vid ad

		if(document.getElementById('redtube_flv_player')) {
			var remtab = document.querySelector(".fakeLinkTabber[rel=related-premium-videos]").parentNode
			if (remtab !== null)


			// Include thumbnail button tab
			var thumbtab = document.createElement("li")
			thumbtab.innerHTML = "<a style='cursor:pointer' class='fakeLinkTabber' onclick='$(\"div[class*=tab-content]\").css({\"display\": \"none\"});$(\"#tabsParent>ul li\").attr(\"class\",\"\");$(\"#tabsParent>ul li:last-child\").attr(\"class\",\"activeTab\");$(\"#tabsContentHolder\").attr(\"style\",\"display:none\");$(\"#tagger_thumbs\").attr(\"style\",\"\");$(\"#tabsContentHolder\").slideDown(\"slow\");'>Thumbnails</a>"
			var tabs = document.querySelector(".tabsElements")

			// Add arrows to navigate 
			var tabs = document.querySelector("#tabsParent .tabsElements").childNodes,
				l = tabs.length-1

			var tabbar = document.getElementById('moreTopSearches').clientWidth,
				max = tabbar - tabs[l].offsetLeft - tabs[l].clientWidth - 40

			if (max < -41) {
				function moveTabs(button, max) {
					var tabs = document.querySelector("#tabsParent .tabsElements"),
						move = tabs.offsetLeft

					if (button && move > max)
						tabs.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: "+(move-20)+"px")
					else if (!button && move < 0)
						tabs.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: "+(move+20)+"px")

				var prev, next,
				moveTabFunc = document.createElement("script")
				moveTabFunc.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript")
				moveTabFunc.innerHTML = moveTabs.toString()

				prev = document.createElement("div")
				next = document.createElement("div")
				prev.innerHTML = "&lt;"
				next.innerHTML = "&gt;"
				prev.setAttribute("id", "ERT-prev")
				next.setAttribute("id", "ERT-next")
				prev.setAttribute("class", "ERT-nav")
				next.setAttribute("class", "ERT-nav")
				prev.setAttribute("onmouseout",  "clearInterval(mvTab)")
				next.setAttribute("onmouseout",  "clearInterval(mvTab)")
				prev.setAttribute("onmouseover", "mvTab = setInterval(function(){moveTabs(0, 0)}, 50)")
				next.setAttribute("onmouseover", "mvTab = setInterval(function(){moveTabs(1, "+max+")}, 50)")


			// Add, check thumbs exist, change location if needed and include div
			function changeServer(num) {
				var s = '0',
					table = '',
					nums = num + 1,
					vidId = location.pathname
				vidId = vidId.slice(1)
				vidId2 = vidId.slice(0, vidId.length -3)
				while(vidId.length < 7)
					vidId = '0' + vidId
				while(vidId2.length < 7)
					vidId2 = '0' + vidId2
				switch(num) {
					case 0:
						source = 'img03'
					case 1:
						source = 'thumbs.lsw'
					case 2:
						source = 'img01'
					case 3:
						source = 'img02'
					case 4:
						source = 'img04'
				for(i=1; i<17; i++) {
					if(i == 10)
						s = ''
					table = table + '<td><img class="te" '
					if(i == 1 && num < 4)
						table = table + 'onerror="changeServer('+ nums +');"'
					table = table + 'src="http://'+ source +'.redtubefiles.com/_thumbs/'+ vidId2 +'/'+ vidId +'/'+ vidId +'_0'+ s + i +'m.jpg" /></td>'
					if(i == 4 || i == 8 || i == 12)
						table = table + '</tr><tr>'
				if(num == 0) {
					var node = document.createElement('div')
					node.setAttribute('id', 'tagger_thumbs')
					node.setAttribute('style', 'overflow:hidden;display:none')
				} else
					var node = document.getElementById('tagger_thumbs')
				node.innerHTML = '<table style="padding:30px 20px 20px"><tr>'+ table +'</tr></table>'
				if(num == 0)
			}// Now inject this function
			var thumbscript = document.createElement("script")
			thumbscript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript")
			thumbscript.innerHTML = changeServer.toString() + "changeServer(0);"

	function videoStuff() {
		if (!(document.querySelector("#redtube_flv_player embed") || document.querySelector("#redtube_flv_player video")))
			return setTimeout(videoStuff, 50)

		// Scroll video to middle of page
		function scrollthere() {
			var vid = document.querySelector('.watch'),
				vh = vid.offsetHeight,
				vd = vid.offsetTop + document.querySelector('.pageVideos').offsetTop + document.querySelector("#contentHolder").offsetTop,
				fh = window.innerHeight,
				sc = vd-((fh-vh)/2)
			scrollTo(0, sc)
		}// Now inject this function
		var script = document.createElement("script")
		script.innerHTML = scrollthere.toString() + "scrollthere();"
		script.id = ("ERT-scrollVid")

		// Keyboard Shortcut for centring
		window.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
			if(e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && (e.code === "KeyC" || (e.code === undefined && e.keyCode === 67)))
		}, false)

		// Include button in right corner to center video on screen;
		var node = document.createElement("div")
		node.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed; bottom:0; right:0; top:auto!important; height:15px; width:80px; cursor:pointer; background:#121212; padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #202020; z-index: 10000")
		node.setAttribute("onclick", "scrollthere();")
		node.setAttribute("title", "Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C (For other keyboard layouts use the key where C should be on the QWERTY layout)")
		node.innerHTML = "Center video"

		// Download withouth being logged
		if (typeof(document.querySelector("#download-link-hd")) !== "undefined")
			document.querySelector("#download-link-hd").href = MHP1138.players.redtube_flv_player.medias.sources[720]
		if (typeof(document.querySelector("#download-link-480p")) !== "undefined")
			document.querySelector("#download-link-480p").href = MHP1138.players.redtube_flv_player.medias.sources[480]
		if (typeof(document.querySelector("#download-link-mobile")) !== "undefined")
			document.querySelector("#download-link-mobile").href = MHP1138.players.redtube_flv_player.medias.sources[240]

	function addStuff() {
		// While <head> is not loaded we keep trying
		if (!document.querySelector("head"))
			return setTimeout(addStuff, 50)

		// We create an object and start including its content to include in DOM at the end.
		var ertcss =
// Hide ads while we can't remove them
".tja, #slidePanelContainerAB, .videosTable + style + div, .videosDetails + div + style + div, .bvq {\n\
	display: none !important;\n\
	visibility: hidden !important;\n\
	opacity: 0 !important;\n\
	height: 0 !important;\n\
	overflow: hidden !important;\n\
	width: 0 !important;\n\
#pb_template {\n\
	display: none !important;\n\
}\n" +
// Prevent background ad
"body {\n\
	background-color: #000 !important\n\
}\n" +
// Make thumbs have 4 in every row
"ul.video-listing.two-in-row {\n\
	width: 100% !important;\n\
ul.video-listing.two-in-row .first-in-row:nth-child(3) {\n\
	clear: none;\n\
	margin-left: 25px;\n\
}\n" +
// Porstar page
".pornstar-small-info, .close-button, .show-less-link {\n\
	display: none !important\n\
.pornstar-highlight {\n\
	background: none !important;\n\
	margin-bottom: -390px;\n\
	z-index: 2;\n\
.pornstar-details-subscribe {\n\
	margin-right: 0 !important;\n\
	padding-left: 235px\n\
.pornstar-all-info {\n\
	float: right !important;\n\
	width: 485px !important;\n\
.pornstar-highlight-more {\n\
	display: block !important\n\
}\n" +
// PornStars page
"ul.pornStarsThumbs.four-in-row {\n\
	width: 100% !important\n\
.pornStarsThumbs.four-in-row > li {\n\
	clear: none !important;\n\
	margin: 0 8px 20px 0 !important\n\
.pornStarsThumbs.four-in-row > li:last-child {\n\
	margin-right: 0 !important;\n\
}\n" +
// Gallery
".gallery-listing.three-in-row .first-in-row {\n\
	clear: none !important;\n\
	margin-left: 24px !important;\n\
.galleriesTable .pages {\n\
	padding: 45px 0 125px 100px;\n\
.gallery-listing.three-in-row li:last-child {\n\
	position: absolute;\n\
	bottom: 135px;\n\
	margin-left: 0 !important;\n\
}\n" +
// Video Page
// Enlarge player
".video-wrap, .watch, .videoPlayer {\n\
	width: 100% !important\n\
.videoPlayer {\n\
	height: 600px !important\n\
.video-wrap {\n\
	position: absolute;\n\
.videoDetails {\n\
	margin-top: 690px;\n\
.video-page-right-col {\n\
	margin-top: 673px;\n\
/*#vidImgPoster {\n\
	position: static !important;\n\
	width: auto;\n\
#posterHolder #playBtn {\n\
	position: absolute !important;\n\
	margin: 0 !important;\n\
	top: 40%;\n\
	left: 45%;\n\
.video-wrap h1.videoTitle {\n\
	width: 800px !important\n\
.moreTopSearches {\n\
	overflow: hidden;\n\
.moreTopSearches .topSearch ul.tabsElements li:first-child {\n\
	margin-left: 40px !important;\n\
.moreTopSearches .topSearch ul.tabsElements {\n\
	transition: margin-left 50ms linear;\n\
	width: 150% !important;\n\
.ERT-nav {\n\
	background: #121212;\n\
	box-shadow: 0 0 25px 15px #121212;\n\
	cursor: pointer;\n\
	font-size: 40px;\n\
	padding: 0 5px;\n\
	position: absolute;\n\
.ERT-nav:hover {\n\
	color: #FFF;\n\
.ERT-nav:last-child {\n\
	right: 0;\n\
}*/\n" +

// Other random pages
// API
"#wrapper {\n\
	background: #FFF !important\n\

		// Inject created CSS
		var ertnode = document.createElement("style")
			ertnode.type = "text/css"
			ertnode.id = "ERT-style"